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Distin (W.H.) & Bishop (R.): The American Clock
O/P. 359 pages, 661 photographs, 1st edition, 1976. A comprehensive pictorial survey of American clocks in the period 1723 to 1900, with a listing of 6153 American clockmakers. A fine copy of a very useful reference book. With very good dust jacket, faded on the spine. (Ref: K1125 - S3)

Price: £25.00

Distin (W.H.) & Bishop (R.): The American Clock
O/P. 359 pages, 661 photographs, reprinted 1983. A comprehensive pictorial survey of American clocks in the period 1723 to 1900, with a listing of 6153 American clockmakers. A very good copy with good dust jacket (faded to spine). (Ref: K3642 - F6)

Price: £15.00

Ditisheim (P.): Influence exercée par des émanations sur la marche d'une horloge astronomique
O/P. 4 pages, No date. A paper about the effect of fumes on the running of an astronomical regulator. Fumes from the oak case affect the timekeeping of the clock. Paper covers. [French language] (Ref: K3326 - BX17)

Price: £5.00

Ditisheim (P.): Le Progrès du Réglage des Chronomètres et des Montres
O/P. 13 pages, 27 figs., 1925. An interesting paper reviewing the history and progress made in reducing/eliminating the effects of temperature variation on the timing of watches and chronometers, from Le Roy and John Harrison onwards, including the introduction of invar and elinvar. An offprint from Science Moderne. A good copy internally, the paper covers with several small tears and some loss. [French language]

* Was £15.00, now on special offer at £5.00 *

(Ref: K3325 - BX17)

Price: £5.00

Divis (J.): Guide to Silver Marks of the World
O/P. 246 pages, illustrated, 1992. A useful guide to silver marks used by different towns, cities and countries around the world. The book will help identify the town or country of origin of the piece and the period when that mark was used. Other reference books will be needed for makers marks and date code stamps. Very good copy, with very good dust jacket. (Ref: K5144 - K1)

Price: £4.00

Dodd (G.): British Manufactures Series IV
O/P. 218 pages, illus., 1845. An interesting little book with chapters on glass manufacture, carpet manufacture, floor-cloth manufacture, piano-forte manufacture and 29 pages on watch and clock manufacture. An interesting historical perspective. Contents good, board becoming detached (held on by clear tape), boards very worn, leather spine marbled boards (worn through). (Ref: K3083 - N1)

Price: £25.00

Dohrn-Van Rossum (G.): Die Geschichte der Stunde: Uhren und modern Zeitordnung
O/P. 415 pages, illus., 1992. A scholarly book on time measurement and its impact on life since the mechanical clock was developed in the 15th century. A good copy with good dust jacket. [German language] (Ref: K3144 - P2)

Price: £5.00

Dolz, Schardin, Schillinger & Schramm: Uhren-Globen, wissenschaftliche instrumente
O/P. 115 pages, illus., 1993. A catalogue of fine clocks, globes and scientific instruments located at the Mathematisch-Physikalischer Museum, Dresden. Good copy. Card covers. [German language] (Ref: K3262 - X1)

Price: £5.00

Dowler (G.): Gloucestershire Clock & Watch Makers
O/P. 230 pages, 37 plates, 1984. A well researched and written book, one of the better titles on provincial makers. A lot more than just a list of makers; one maker was convicted and transported to Australia! Very good copy with very good dust jacket. (Ref: K1021 - P1)

Price: £25.00

Drake (S.): Galileo Galilei Operations of the Geometric and Military Compass

Drake (S.): Galileo Galilei Operations of the Geometric and Military Compass
O/P. 95 pages, illus., 1978. This is an English translation, with introduction, of Galileo's first publication printed in 1606. Galileo developed the sector (Galileo's "compass") into a useful calculation instrument sufficiently accurate to solve military problems associated with fortification and artillery as well as problems of proportion. A fine copy. Card covers. (Ref: K1966)

Price: £5.00

Drepperd (C.W.): American Clocks & Clockmakers
O/P. 312 pages + 52 page supplement, illustrated, 2nd edition, 1958. A good introduction to the subject. Good copy, cloth a little worn. (Ref: K3823 - Z2)

Price: £7.00

[Dreweatts]: The Horological Working Library of Charles Allix, Fine Clocks Barometers and Scientific Instruments
O/P. 138 lots of books and 126 lots of clocks, barometers and scientific instruments, illustrated, 2012. The auction catalogue for the sale of Charles Allix's collection of manuscripts, books, portraits and ephemera, which included 8 lots of important manuscripts with a direct provenance from John and William Harrison as well as a bronze bust of John Harrison. A good copy, with ink annotations to text. Card covers. (Ref: K2766 - P3)

Price: £5.00

Drover (C.B.): A Medieval Monastic Water-Clock
O/P. 6 pages, 4 illustrations, 1954. A reprint from Antiquarian Horology describing a 13th century water clock illustrated and described in a manuscript now in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. Good copy, paper covers. (Ref: KW5214 - BX11)

Price: £5.00

Drover (C.B.): George IIIrd's Directions for Mounting and Unmounting a Watch
O/P. [4 pages], 4 figs., 1975. A paper, reprinted from Antiquarian Horology about George III's handwritten instructions for assembling a watch. The manuscripts are now in the Royal Archives at Windsor Castle. Good copy, paper covers. (Ref: K3567 - BX18)

Price: £4.00

Drover (C.B.): The Brussels Miniature - An Early Fusee and a Monastic Alarm
O/P. [6 pages], 1 illustration, 1962. A short paper on the spring driven fusee clock shown in a 15th century manuscript miniature, the earliest know illustration of a fusee. An offprint from Antiquarian Horology. Paper covers now worn. (Ref: K2647 - BX5)

Price: £7.00

Dulken (S. Van): British Patents of Invention, 1617 - 1977 : A Guide for Researchers
O/P. 211 pages, a few illustrations, 1999. A practical handbook suggesting how to identify British patent specifications of interest to a researcher whether by number, name or subject. As over two million British patent specifications have been published this guide is an essential tool! Fine copy, card covers. (Ref: K5225 - F1)

Price: £10.00

Duncan (D.E.): The Calendar
O/P. 360 pages illustrated, 1998. The fascinating story of the 5000-year struggle to align the clock and the heavens -and what happened to the missing ten days. Very good condition. With very good dust jacket. (Ref: K3412 - W2)

Price: £5.00

Dunn (R.): The Telescope - A Short History

Dunn (R.): The Telescope - A Short History
NEW. 192 pages, 61 illustrations, 2011. An interesting, informative and very readable history of the telescope from its invention in 1608 to the present. With dust jacket. (Ref: N3562)

Price: £12.00

Dworetsky (L.) & Dickstein (R.): Horology Americana
O/P. 212 pages, 300 illustrations (204 in colour), 1972. This book illustrates over 200 American clocks of all types with excellent colour illustrations. A fine copy with dust jacket. (Ref: K1390 - R2)

Price: £15.00

Dzik (W.H.): Engraving on English Table Clocks:  Art on a Canvas of Brass, 1660-1800

Dzik (W.H.): Engraving on English Table Clocks: Art on a Canvas of Brass, 1660-1800
NEW. 439 pages, 738 illustrations, 2019. Art on a Canvas of Brass is the first book devoted to an analysis of the decorative engraving found on the backplates of English table clocks. Based on engravings from over 1,000 backplate images, the text focuses on the design patterns and imagery from the advent of the pendulum clock until the close of the 18th century. Throughout the book, the figures reveal relationships between different clockmakers who shared the talents of the same engraving artist. The book provides a systematic approach to "reading" engraving patterns on English spring clocks. With dust jacket.

** Those who purchase the book also receive access to an on-line supplement that presents information and images on engraving patterns of over 400 clocks not covered in the book's text. The supplement also contains a Tompion Concordance that allows you to look at images of over 100 Tompion clocks if all you know is the Tompion number. The supplement will be regularly updated by the author. **

(Ref: N4885)

Price: £75.00

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