Special Offers

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Marshall & Co.: Electric Clocks and Chimes
O/P. 159 pages, illustrated, revised edition, published in the 1920's. This is "A practical handbook giving complete instructions for the making of successful electrical timepieces, synchronised clocks systems, and chiming mechanism". A good copy showing signs of use, stiff card covers. This is an original copy not a modern reprint. (Ref: K2253 - Z1)

Price: £5.00

McCarthy (J.R.): A Matter of Time: The Story of the Watch
O/P. 230 pages, illus, 1947. The book has 4 parts: The Calculation of Time; The Clock; The Portable Timepieces; and The Making of the Modern Watch. The last section is probably the most interesting. With worn dust jacket. (Ref: K3130 - K1)

Price: £5.00

Mesnage ( M.P.): Collections d'Horlogerie
O/P. 63 pages, 10 plates, 1955. A catalogue of the clocks watches and other horological items at the Musées de Besançon. Card covers. [French language] (Ref: K3263 - T1)

Price: £5.00

Mills (A.): An Introduction to the History of Timekeeping - The Leicester Time -Trail
O/P. 24 pages, 29 figures, map, no date. An introduction to timekeeping, explaining the 13 public clocks and sundials viewable on a short walk around Leicester city centre. Very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K3990 - BX18)

Price: £1.00

[Minnesota Watchmakers Association]: American Watch Historical Information with Serial Numbers and Dates
O/P. 15 pages, no date. Published circa 1960, this small booklet has dates and serial numbers for Ball, Columbus, Elgin, Hamilton, Howard, Illinois, Rockford, Seth Thomas and Waltham watches, and a listing of all American watch factories. A very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K3049 - BX9)

Price: £5.00

Mond Nickel Company Ltd: The Physical Properties of the Nickel-Iron Alloys
O/P. 22 pages, figs., no date, 1950's? Physical properties of various alloys including 'invar'. Clean copy, card covers splitting along spine. (Ref: K4784 - BX15)

Price: £1.00

Moore (N.): Chester Clocks & Clockmakers
O/P. 19 pages, illus., 1976. A catalogue of an exhibition held in Chester museum in 1976 and still of use to enthusiasts for its list of Chester makers. A very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K1184 - D2)

Price: £4.00

Mühe (R.), Kahlert (H.) & Techen (B.): Wecker
O/P. 194 pages, illus., 1991. A comprehensive catalogue of alarm clocks, and watches with an alarm feature, from the 17th to the 20th century. Published by the Deutsches Uhrenmuseum, Furtwangen. Good copy. [German language] (Ref: K3220 - T1)

Price: £5.00

Mycko (D.A.) & Ehrhardt (R.): Vintage American &European Character Wrist Watch Price Guide Book 3
O/P. 210 pages, illustrated, 1989. A useful book for collectors of these watches. Good copy, card covers. (Ref: K2827 - N1)

Price: £5.00

Naas (R.): Watches International 2005
O/P. 544 pages, illustrated, 2005. An American annual of the world's finest wristwatches, with in-depth profiles of over 70 of the world's leading brands and a technical description of their newest (i.e. in 2005) products. Very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K5170 - A2)

Price: £5.00

Naas (R.): Watches International 2007
O/P. 592 pages, illustrated, 2007. An American annual of the world's finest wristwatches, with in-depth profiles of over 70 of the world's leading brands and a technical description of their newest (i.e. in 2007) products. Very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K5171 - W3)

Price: £5.00

Owen (George B. & Co.): Illustrated Catalogue of Geo. B. Owen Clocks (1878)
O/P. 48 pages, illustrated, 2002. A facsimile of a priced clock catalogue issued in 1878 by George B. Owen & Company of Winsted, Connecticut. With a 6 page biography, and a photograph, of Owen taken in 1898. A very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K4196 - BX9)

Price: £5.00

Palmer (B.): The Romance of Time
O/P. 55 pages + 13 pages of adverts, 1954. Written for the Clock Manufacturers Association of America this book tells the story of time through the history of making clocks and watches in America. The adverts give short histories of 12 American manufacturers. Card covers, spiral bound. (Ref: K3070 - P3)

Price: £5.00

Patents for Inventions: Abridgments of Specifications, Class 139, Watches, Clocks and Other Timekeepers - Period A.D. 1867 - 1876
O/P. 76 pages, published in 1904. This is a useful reference source for Victorian novelty and electric clocks. The volume has diagrams illustrating various patents. Original paper covers a little torn with some loss. (Ref: K236 - BX2)

Price: £5.00

Patents for Inventions: Abridgments of Specifications, Class 139, Watches, Clocks and Other Timekeepers - Period 1889 - 1892
O/P. 83 pages, published in 1898. This is a useful reference source for Victorian novelty and electric clocks. The volume has diagrams illustrating various patents. Modern paper covers, original covers missing. (Ref: K237 - BX2)

Price: £5.00

Picard (Henri) & Frère Ltd: Catalogue 1955
O/P. 123 pages, illus., 1955. A catalogue of Swiss watch and clock materials, and tools. A good copy, card covers now worn and marked, top of some pages wrinkled due to moisture. [French, English and German language] (Ref: K3088 - P3)

Price: £5.00

Ponsford, Scott & Authers: Clocks and Clockmakers of Tiverton
O/P. 61 pages plus 3-page index, 1st edition, 1977. A useful reference for this Devon town. A good copy, covers discoloured. Card covers. (Ref: K1370 - BX3)

Price: £5.00

Quill (H.): John Harrison, Copley Medallist and the £20,000 Longitude prize
O/P. 26 pages, 21 figs., 1976. Published in commemoration of the bicentenary of the death of John Harrison, 24th March 1776. An interesting review of the life of the famous chronometer pioneer and the longitude prize. A very good copy, card covers a little faded. (Ref: K248 - BX2)

Price: £1.00

Reverchon (L.): Frottement et Graissage - Préparation scientifique des Huiles d'Horlogerie
O/P. 12 pages, illustrated, 1927. An offprint from the journal l'Horloger about friction, lubrication and the scientific preparation of watchmaking oils; especially those made by Paul Ditisheim. Good copy, paper covers (now marked). [French language] (Ref: K4304 - W3)

Price: £5.00

Reves (Watches) Ltd: Reves News
O/P. 4 pages, 1966. A 13½" x 8½" newspaper style advertising flyer for a company selling watches by mail order. They advertised Britain's lowest priced waterproof lever wristwatch at 95 Shillings. An interesting piece of horological ephemera. (With two creases where folded). (Ref: K1478 - BX6)

Price: £1.00

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