Riolini-Unger (A.): Friedberger Uhren - Heimatmuseum der Stadt Freidberg O/P. 192 pages, illus., 1993. The catalogue of an exhibition of clocks and watches made in the German city of Friedberg in the 17th - 19th centuries. Good copy, card covers. [German language] (Ref: K3202 - S1) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Ronan (C.A.): Clocks and Watches O/P. 64 pages, published in the mid 1960's. A small educational booklet charting the measurement of time from sundials through to the atomic clock. (Ref: K264 - BX2) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Rossel (J.) et al: Modern Methods of Measuring Intervals of Time O/P. 46 pages, illus., 1956. The English language edition of La Suisse Horlogere for March 1956 containing 8 papers on modern methods of measuring time (ie atomic clocks, dating items using carbon 14, etc.), including one by Louis Essen on the NPL Caesium Standard. Good copy (corners bumped, spine worn), card covers. (Ref: K4837 - X1) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Sabrier (J.-C.): Un Échappement a Roue de Rencontre sur Deux niveaux O/P. 6 pages, 6 figs., no date. A paper about a pocket watch by Belleican with an unusual escapement, an offprint from L'Horlogerie Ancienne. Card covers. [French language] (Ref: K2610 - BX1) in stock. Price: £1.00 |
Scherer (J.O.): Old Clocks O/P. 9 page introduction + 19 pages & 19 plates, 1969. A small book with photographs and descriptions of 19 European table and wall clocks. A good copy. (Ref: K1709 - C1) in stock. Price: £1.00 |
Shugart (C.), Engle (T.) & Gilbert (R.E.): Complete Price Guide to Watches O/P. 1134 pages, illustrated, 22nd edition, 2002. As well as being a price guide to pocket and wrist watches this book has details of maker's serial numbers and estimated production dates, escapements and much more. A paperback, very good condition. (Ref: K1821 - F2) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Smith (A.): The Country Life International Dictionary of Clocks O/P. 351 pages, illustrated, 1988. This is the UK reprint of this excellent book which has sections on clock styles and their history, mechanical parts, tools and materials, international clockmaking, and sundials. Very good copy with good dust jacket. (Ref: K591 - G7) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Smith (A.): The Guinness Book of Clocks O/P. 168 pages, illustrated, 1984. An introductory guide to British and European clocks. Buy a copy to read in the saloon bar! Good copy with good dust jacket. (Ref: K283 - G4) in stock. Price: £2.00 |
[Smithsonian Institution]: Contributions from the Museum of History and Technology O/P. 201 pages, illus., 1959. The bookcomprises Papers 1 - 11 and includes two papers relevant to horology: Battison (E.A.): The Auburndale Watch Company Price (D.J.de S.): On the Origins of Clockwork. Perpetual Motion Devices, and the Compass A good copy. (Ref: K3044 - N3) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
[Société Jersiaise]: Jersey Names on Long-Case Clocks O/P. 4 pages, 1980. A listing of Jersey clockmakers in a small museum booklet with the title The Jersey kitchen (La Tchuîsinne Jèrriaise). Very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K5071 - BX5) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Stephens (C.E.): Inventing Standard Time O/P. 24 pages, illus., 1983. A booklet produced by the Smithsonian Institution explaining the history and reasons for adopting Standard Railway Time in North America on 18 November 1883. Standard Time quickly became the convention for timekeeping in North America and is still in use today. A good copy, card covers. (Ref: K4749 - BX10) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Stuart (S.): Clockmaking in the Lancaster Region O/P. 28 pages, 4 plates, circa 1985. This study investigates the export of clocks and clocks cases from Lancaster as well as the movement of clockmakers to and from Lancaster. The influence of Gillows on local case making is also investigated. Very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K482 - BX10) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Tarrant (M.): The Book of the Clock O/P. [64 pages], illustrated, 1986. A book for parents and grandparents, to read to their children and grandchildren, the illustrations and verses describing the daily activities of a young child. Aimed at 3 - 6 year olds. A fine copy with fine dust jacket. (Ref: K4352 - N2) in stock. Price: £1.00 |
Tremayne (A.): Everybody's Clocks O/P. 64 pages, illus., published circa 1941. A small booklet with the subtitle: how your clock is made, how it works and how to take care of it. Very good copy with paper covers. (Ref: K405 - BX2) in stock. Price: £1.00 |
Turner (A.J.): Time O/P. 248 pages, illustrated, 1990. The catalogue of the exhibition 'Images of Time' held in Amsterdam in 1990. This was a large exhibition with 810 exhibits to illustrate and explore every aspect of time and time measurement from ancient history up to the modern era. Good copy, card covers. (Ref: K2014 - M3) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Vernon (J.): The Grandfather Clock Maintenance Manual O/P. 103 pages, 31 figs., 8 plates, 1983. A useful well written book for those starting out in the hobby. Good copy without dust jacket. (Ref: K391 - E2) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Vogel (C.F.): Praktisher unterricht von Taschenuhren sowol für Verfertiger als auch für Liebhaber derselben O/P. 422 pages + 20 page index, 6 folding plates, facsimile reprint 1978. Originally published in Leipzig in1774, this book contains practical instructions about pocket watches for both makers and enthusiasts; according to Baillie it gives an insight into workshop methods at the time. Very good copy with good dust jacket. [German language] (Ref: K5140 - Y2) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Waltham Clock Company: Hall Clocks, Regulators, Bank and Balcony Clocks... O/P. 20 pages, illustrated, no date. A 1980's (?) facsimile reprint of a Waltham Clock Company Catalogue of 1906 for 'Hall Clocks, Regulators, Bank and Balcony Clocks, Willard Banjo Clocks, Office, Depot and School Clocks'. Good copy, card covers. (Ref: K4987 - BX12) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Ward (F.A.B.): Time Measurement O/P. 151 pages, 12 plates, 1966. A publication by the Science Museum, London being a descriptive catalogue of the collection illustrating time measurement. The section on electric clocks and watches is of interest as is the section on sundials. A good copy. Card covers. (Ref: K485 - H4) in stock. Price: £2.00 |
Waterbury Clock Co.: Illustrated Catalogue of Clocks, Regulators, and Calendars, .. O/P. 132 pages, illus., no date. A late 20th century reprint of a Waterbury Clock Company catalogue first issued in 1867. Good copy, the covers now a little marked. (Ref: K2998 - BX8) in stock. Price: £5.00 |