Special Offers

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Last updated 3 March 2025

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This months special offers are all small books, booklets or pamphlets which tend to get lost on the shelves so I have been sorting them all out. There are some big price reductions below and often only one copy in stock. Do not delay in having a serious browse of the list!

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Abeler (J.): Ullstein Uhrenbuch: Eine Kulturgeschichte der Zeitmessung
O/P. 324 pages, 16 colour & 84 b&w plates, 1975. A cultural history of European timekeeping illustrating and dating many fine clocks with brief biographies of their makers. A very good copy (with presentation inscription signed by author) with fair dust jacket. [German language] (Ref: K3118 - R1)

Price: £3.00

Aked (C.K.): A Perpetual Almanack
O/P. 10 pages, 3 figs., 1994. A perpetual almanack for the period 1703 - 1732, devised by John Carte, London and known from an engraved print. A related print by Samuel Watson is also described. A fine copy, an offprint from Antiquarian Horology, unbound. (Ref: K4389 - BX11)

Price: £1.00

Aked (C.K.): Willliam Derham and 'The Artificial Clockmaker'
O/P. 36 pages, illustrated, 1970. A biography of Willam Derham with information about his most famous book and other publications. Reprinted from Antiquarian Horology. Good copy, card covers. (Ref: KW4755 - BX11)

Price: £5.00

Aked (C.K.): William Oughtred - An Early Horological Expositor
O/P. 10 pages, illustrated, 1981. A good biographical account of William Oughtred, little known today but famous in his own day as a mathematician, teacher and deviser of scientific instruments. Oughtred devised the universal equinoctial ring dial and one of his horological works was published as an appendix in John Smith's Horological Dialogues. A fine copy, an offprint from Antiquarian Horology, unbound. (Ref: K4388 - BX5)

Price: £1.00

Aked (J.R.): Orbis Sensualium Pictus
O/P. [5 pages], 7 figs, reprinted from Antiquarian Horology, 1976. Orbis Sensualium Pictus, an educational book for children, was written in 1658 by John Commenius and translated into English the following year. This paper explores the dialling content. Very good copy, paper covers. (Ref: K3553 - BX11)

Price: £1.00

[American Watch Co.]: Souvenir Catalog of the New Orleans Exposition 1884 - 85
O/P. 40 pages, illus., 1972. A reprint of the 36 page catalogue distributed by the American Watch Company at the World's Fair held in New Orleans between 1884 and 1885. Fourteen of the pages describe the operations in manufacturing at the Waltham factory (the company changed its name to The American Waltham Co. in 1885). Very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K1329 - BX14)

Price: £5.00

Anon: CIC 1974 - 9th International Congress of Chronometry - Summaries of the Lectures
O/P. Circa 250 pages, 1974. Summaries of all the lectures to be given at the conference, each lecture title and summary printed in the English, French and German language. Good copy, card covers. (Ref: K4810 - C3)

Price: £1.00

[Anon]: L'Art de la Boîte À Musique / The Art of the Musical Box
O/P. A 12-inch LP vinyl record (# 36461) published by Arion, Paris. The record contains 58 pieces of music recorded from disc, cylinder and other music boxes in the collection of the Conservatoire Autonome des Boîtes À Musique, Geneva. The text on the record sleeve is in French, with an English translation on a separate sheet. I have not played the record but am told that one side is scratched. An unusual item. (Ref: K1784 - H5)

Price: £5.00

Anon: Manor House Museum Bury St Edmunds
O/P. 28 pages, illus., 1997. An introductory guide to the Manor House Museum (now closed) in Bury St Edmunds, an eighteenth century mansion housing a collection of art and horology. The horological section was founded upon the Gershom Parkington Collection of fine clocks and watches - now housed at Moyse's Hall Museum in the same city. Good copy, card covers. (Ref: K1697 - BX4)

Price: £1.00

A.H.S.:  Continental Clocks and Watches

Antiquarian Horological Society: Continental Clocks and Watches
O/P. 75 pages, illus., 1989. An interesting catalogue of an exhibition held at Prescot Museum and organised by the Northern Section of the Antiquarian Horological Society in 1989. All the exhibits are illustrated and described. A new copy (old stock), card covers. (Ref: N2159)

Price: £5.00

Antiquarian Horological Society: Tercentenary Exhibition of the Pendulum Clock of Christian Huygens
O/P. 28 pages, 13 illustrations plus colour plate on cover, 1956. The catalogue of an exhibition which showed the development of the pendulum as a timekeeper, with an appendix on Huygens' pendulum experiments. Good condition, card covers. (Ref: K1257 - BX2)

Price: £5.00

Asprey & Neilson: Exhibition of Fine Antique & Decorative Clocks 10th - 20th June, 1975

Asprey & Neilson: Exhibition of Fine Antique & Decorative Clocks 10th - 20th June, 1975
O/P. 57 pages, illustrated, 1975. 98 fine clocks are described and many of them are illustrated, some in colour. 23 of the clocks are skeleton clocks from the Major Heathcote collection. These are unused pristine copies with perfect dust jackets - a special purchase of old stock found in a booksellers warehouse. (Ref: N1856)

Price: £5.00

[Audemars Piguet]: Audemars Piguet Co-Sponsor of Alinghi, Defender of the 32nd America's Cup
O/P. 2 volumes. Part 1: A History of Performance, 36 pages, illustrated + CD; Part 2: Rising to the Challenge, 40 pages, illustrated + CD. Published, circa 2006, to promote the Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Offshore Collection of wrist watches and the Team Alinghi Chronograph. Fine copy in deluxe box. (Ref: K3393 - X2)

Price: £5.00

Baillie (G.H.):  Clocks and Watches, an Historical Bibliography Volume 1

Baillie (G.H.): Clocks and Watches, an Historical Bibliography Volume 1
O/P. 414 pages, reprinted 1978. A complete listing of horological publications, except those on dialling, prior to 1800. A very useful reference book for collectors and researchers. [Note: volume 2, on books post 1800, was planned but never issued.] An excellent unused copy and much nicer to handle than the original. (Ref: N563 - J2)

Price: £5.00

Baillie (G.H.): The Development of Time Measurement - From 1000 Seconds to 1000th of a Second a Day
O/P. 32 pages, 4 plates, 24 figs., 1951. A small booklet prepared by the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers in connection with their Festival Exhibit at the Guildhall, London, 1951. A concise account of the main technical developments from the earliest times to the Shortt Free Pendulum Clock. A very good copy, card covers. (Ref: KW4854 - BX16)

Price: £5.00

Baillod (G.): Die Geschichte der Zeitmessung
O/P. 156 pages, illustrated 1979. A well-illustrated book, The History of Timekeeping, showing some fine watches, and charting the developments in measuring time from the ancient Egyptian water clock to the atomic clock. Good copy with good dust jacket. [German language] (Ref: K5141 - A2)

Price: £5.00

Baker (P.H.J.): Early Lancashire Watch Fusee Engines
S/H. [24 pages], 35 figs., 1994. An important paper, an offprint from Antiquarian Horology, on 18th century fusee engines including those by John Wyke of Liverpool. A very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K4082 - BX14)

Price: £1.00

Bendall (S.): The Quest for the Chelsea Watchmaker
O/P. [4 pages], 2 illustrations, 1991. A short paper, contained in a report of the Chelsea Society, about Samuel Boulter (1808 - 1873), a little known London watchmaker. Good copy, card covers. (Ref: K3827 - X1)

Price: £5.00

Bertele (H.): Konrad Kellenbergers Uhrensammlung im Winterthurer Rathaus
O/P. Pages 71 - 103, 12 plates, 1971. This is an offprint from the Winterthur Yearbook. The Kellenberger clock collection is on view in the Winterthur City Hall, Switzerland. Very good copy, paper covers. [German language] (Ref: K2623 - BX5)

Price: £5.00

Berthoud (F.): Supplément au Traité des Montres a Longitudes, suivi de la Notice des Recherches de l'Auteur depuis 1752 jusques en 1807
O/P. 88 pages, 1 folding plate, a modern photocopy. Originally published in 1807 this work by Ferdinand Berthoud details his work to produce marine timepieces. The original work Traité des Montres a Longitudes was published in 1792. A bound photocopy, pages 2 & 3 missing, pages 74 & 75 located after page 69. Card covers. [French language] (Ref: K2639 - B2)

Price: £5.00

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