 | Moore (D.S.) & Priestley (P.T.): Some Account of Liverpool Watch Case Makers 1785 - 1798 NEW. [13 pages], 3 figs., 1997. Useful information about Liverpool watch case makers and their marks, first published in Antiquarian Horology. Card covers. (Ref: N1357) in stock. Price: £1.00 |
 | Negretti & Zambra: A Treatise on Meteorological Instruments NEW. 176 pages, reprint of a book first published in 1864. A detailed work describing the principles and construction of barometers, hygrometers, rain guages, anemometers, ozonometers and other meteorological instruments. Paperback. (Ref: N224) in stock. Price: £7.95 |
 | Niehüser (E.): French Bronze Clocks, 1700 - 1830 - A Study of Figural Images NEW. 267 pages, well illustrated in colour and black and white, 1999. An interesting book showing clocks with bronze figures, with the symbolism of each one explained - Gods, Heroes and Muses, Cupid and Venus, Noble Savages and Genre Scenes. The book also has a directory of 1365 documented French bronze clocks with references to the literature where more information can be found. A very useful book if you want to research your clock. With dust jacket. (Ref: N397) in stock. Price: £80.00 |
 | Ogle (V.): The Global Transformation of Time: 1870-1950 NEW. 260 pages, 2015. Improvements in communications and speed of travel in the late 19th and early 20th centuries meant that previously small discrepancies in local time-telling became a global problem. This book chronicles the struggle to standardize clock times and calendars and to establish international standards. With dust jacket. (Ref: N4172) in stock. Price: £25.00 |
 | Ohlson (O.): Helpful information for Watchmakers NEW. 95 pages, illus., the 2000 reprint of a book first published circa 1910. An interesting booklet published by the Waltham Watch Company to assist repairers of Waltham watches. Card covers. (Ref: N1186) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
 | Ord-Hume (A.W.J.G.): The Musical Box - A Guide for Collectors Including a Guide to Values NEW. 343 pages, 330 plates, 78 figs, 1995. This is the most recent and best of Ord-Hume's books on musical boxes and is the definitive history of mechanical music, its instruments and their development and technology. The book illustrates the various types of mechanism and includes patents, makers' trade marks and tune sheets. With dust jacket. (Ref: N1653) in stock. Price: £65.00 |
 | Ortenburger (R.): Black Forest Clocks NEW. 268 pages, illustrated, 1991. An excellent book covering the development of clocks made in the Black Forest over 300 years, illustrated with over 600 different examples. With dust jacket. (Ref: N232) in stock. Price: £65.00 |
 | Ovens (R.) & Sleath (S.): Time in Rutland - a History and Gazeteer of the Bells, Scratch Dials, Sundials and Clocks of Rutland NEW. 400 pages, illustrated, 2002. A very comprehensive book, with a wealth of information for horologists and campanologists, about England's smallest county. The book has a gazeteer of all bells, sundials and turret clocks known to be in Rutland and a biographical listing of all Rutland clockmakers plus notes on clockmakers from outside the county who made clocks which are now located in the county. A useful section is devoted to information about British bell founders who supplied bells to Rutland - this information is not easily available elsewhere. A good book which deserves a place on your bookshelf. With dust jacket. (Ref: N234) in stock. Price: £10.00 |
 | Pearson (M.): Kent Clocks and Clockmakers NEW. 320 pages, illus., 1997. A comprehensive account of over 1200 clockmakers from the earliest period until the late 19th century. This edition is limited to 1000 numbered copies. Another useful regional title. With dust jacket. (Ref: N241) in stock. Price: £34.99 |
 | Penney (D.): Enamel Watch Dials: A Celebration of English Work NEW. 24 pages, illustrated, 2022. Profile No 3 in a series of booklets by David Penney. The manufacture and use of vitreous enamel dials on English pocket watches started in the late 17th century and became the norm in the 18th century. This book describes the production methods and the changing designs from 1725 to 1930 and mentions the makers - the Willis family, Mathews, Weston, Marnham and Clarke. Card covers. (Ref: N5183) in stock. Price: £15.00 |
 | Penney (D.): English Wristwatches: The Untold Story NEW. 24 pages, illustrated, 2021. Profile No 2 in a series of booklets by David Penney. A very good account of the early history of the development of the wristwatch, starting with leather converters to hold a small fob watch, followed by watches with added lugs to take a one-piece strap, then the wristwatch more or less as we know it today. The wristwatch concept was invented in England in the 1870's and this book includes watches by Rotherhams, Nicole Nielson, J. W. Benson, W. H. Williamson and the Lancashire Watch Company (LW Co watches were cased up for the wrist after the firm went bankrupt in 1910). Card covers. (Ref: N5164) in stock. Price: £15.00 |
 | Penney (D.): Morton's Patent Watches NEW. 24 pages, well illustrated, revised and corrected edition, 2022. The first book in a series of Horological Profiles by well-known horologist David Penney. The book features the rare English watches with the single-impulse detached escapement patented by George Morton in 1856. The watches were retailed as Morton's Patent, Morton's Patent Improved, Patent Chronometer, London Patent Chronometer, and Patent Union Chronometer. 15 watches are described in detail with excellent colour photographs of each and line drawings of several escapement variations. A listing of known watch serial numbers is given together with the case hallmark, enabling these watches to be dated. Essential reading for owners, dealers and enthusiasts as this information is not available elsewhere. Card covers. (Ref: N4557) in stock. Price: £15.00 |
 | Penney (D.): Tyrer's DUPLEX Escapement: A Century of Use NEW. 24 pages, well illustrated, 2022. The fourth book in a series of Horological Profiles by David Penney. The origins of the duplex escapement lie with Daniel Delander, Jean-Baptiste Dutertre and Pierre Le Roy but the original English patent for the escapement was taken out by Thomas Tyrer in 1782. The duplex escapement was used by many of the best English makers between 1790 and 1890 including by Vulliamy, McCabe, and Nicole & Capt. Card covers. (Ref: N5194) in stock. Price: £15.00 |
 | Platt (J.G.): Lancashire Watch Company - History and Watches NEW. 528 pages, about 1000 illustrations, 2016. A well researched and definitive account of the Lancashire Watch Company and its Watches. The Company was founded in 1888 for the large-scale production of pocket watches, but after some initial success was dissolved in 1906. This book documents the rise and fall of the company, as well as its watches, and will be of great interest to enthusiasts and collectors. The book includes an analysis of the company's ledgers and reproduces sales catalogues, LWC documents and the auction catalogue from 1911 when the remaining assets of the company were sold. With dust jacket.
* Was £65.00, now on special offer at £45.00 *
(Ref: N3966) in stock. Price: £45.00 |
 | Reynolds (C.F.): The Great George Liver Clock on the Royal Liver Friendly Society Building Liverpool NEW. 61 pages, 44 illustrations, 2007. A history of the design, manufacture and installation of the Liver clock supplied by Gent's of Leicester. This electrically driven 'waiting train' clock, installed in 1911 has four dials, each 25 feet in diameter, on two towers. The electro-mechanical chiming system was installed in 1954. Card covers. (Ref: N2079) in stock. Price: £17.50 |
 | Ridgway (M.H.) & Priestley (P.T.): The Compendium of Chester Gold and Silver Marks, 1570 to 1962 from the Chester Assay Office Registers NEW. 520 pages, illustrated, 2004. All known registered and unregistered marks associated with goldsmith and silversmiths from Chester are given here from 1570 to 1962, when the Assay Office was closed by Act of Parliament. In all approximately 10,000 marks are recorded, with 800 listings for the watch trade. The book has an addendum on Liverpool Watchcase Makers and also an addendum to Priestley's 'Watchcase Makers of England 1720 - 1920'. With dust jacket. (Ref: N2178) in stock. Price: £50.00 |
 | Roberts (D.): Carriage and Other Travelling Clocks NEW. 368 pages, well illustrated in colour and b&w, 1993. This book is just as useful as Allix's Carriage Clocks but concentrates on the more rare and more decorative items. Several of the better-known English makers each have a chapter devoted to them. A very useful reference book if you are interested in carriage clocks. With dust jacket. (Ref: N254) in stock. Price: £90.99 |
 | Roberts (D.): Continental and American Skeleton Clocks NEW. 247 pages, well illustrated, 1989. A good book about European and American skeleton clocks. This and Roberts' book Skeleton Clocks, Britain 1800 - 1914 are the definitive works about this type of clock. With dust jacket. (Ref: N255) in stock. Price: £69.99 |
 | Roberts (D.): Mystery, Novelty & Fantasy Clocks NEW. 288 pages, well illustrated, 1999. Over 300 clocks are illustrated and described with historical explanations and detailed drawings. This is another good book by Derek Roberts and includes chapters on James Cox, Robert-Houdin, Guilmet and others. With dust jacket.
***Automatic 10% discount at the checkout on this book.***
(Ref: N256) in stock. Price: £125.00 |
 | Roberts (D.): Precision Pendulum Clocks - the Quest for Accurate Timekeeping NEW. 224 pages, profusely illustrated, many in colour, 2003. This book relates the story of how leading clockmakers, primarily in England, struggled to provide accurate timekeeping over 300 years. The best examples of each new invention are described and illustrated and Georgian, Regency and Victorian advances documented. There are chapters on the Royal Observatory at Greenwich and on the many men of science who contributed to the quest. The first of 3 volumes by Roberts on precision clocks. With dust jacket. (Ref: N258) in stock. Price: £74.99 |