New Books

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Branston (A.) & Eisel (J.C.): Herefordshire Clockmakers & Watchmakers

Branston (A.) & Eisel (J.C.): Herefordshire Clockmakers & Watchmakers
NEW. 207 pages, illus., 2005. An excellent book, the first to have any detailed information about this county. The major part of the book is an alphabetic listing of makers, their journeymen and apprentices together with detailed descriptions of some notable clocks. There is also a listing of makers by town and a listing of church clocks in the county. With dust jacket. (Ref: N699)

Price: £25.00
Bray (S.): Milling

Bray (S.): Milling
NEW. 176 pages, well illustrated, 2011. A good guide to buying and setting up a milling machine, using the milling table, holding the work, cutters and cutter holding, cutting fluids, division etc. The paperback edition, card covers. (Ref: N3186)

Price: £14.99
Brown (P.):  The Noel Terry Collection of Furniture & Clocks (boxed)

Brown (P.): The Noel Terry Collection of Furniture & Clocks
NEW. 152 pages, 119 colour and 71 b&w illustrations, 1987. A good catalogue of the Terry collection, now owned by the York Civic Trust and on public display at Fairfax House, York. The collection includes barometers by Quare, Hallifax of Doncaster and Agar of York. The clocks include fine examples by Edward East, Joseph Knibb, Henry Jones, Tompion, Quare, Windmills, George Graham and Robert Anderson of Liverpool. The hardback edition, with dust jacket, all still in publisher's original cardboard box. (Ref: N2806)

Price: £19.50

Brown (P.): The Noel Terry Collection of Furniture & Clocks
NEW. 152 pages, 119 colour and 71 b&w illustrations, 1987. A good catalogue of the Terry collection, now owned by the York Civic Trust and on public display at Fairfax House, York. The collection includes barometers by Quare, Hallifax of Doncaster and Agar of York. The clocks include fine examples by Edward East, Joseph Knibb, Henry Jones, Tompion, Quare, Windmills, George Graham and Robert Anderson of Liverpool. The hardback edition, with dust jacket. (Ref: N2917)

Price: £15.00

Brunner (G.L.) & Pfeiffer-Belli (C.): Wristwatches: A Handbook and Price Guide

Brunner (G.L.) & Pfeiffer-Belli (C.): Wristwatches: A Handbook and Price Guide
NEW. 186 pages, 484 photographs, 6th edition, 2009. A useful handbook with historical information, a description of how mechanical wristwatches work, information on their preservation, care and repair, as well as a chapter on fakes and hybrids. A good popular introduction to the subject, with a section on Swatch watches. Card covers. (Ref: N1888)

Price: £17.50
Bundock (M.): Margate Clock Tower

Bundock (M.): Margate Clock Tower
NEW. 46 pages, illustrated, 2013. The clock tower was built to celebrate Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee in 1877 and has a 3-train clock by William Potts & Sons of Leeds. Unusually, the top of the tower has a Time Ball which is currently being restored to working order. An interesting history. Card covers. (Ref: N3418)

Price: £2.00
Caudine (A.): La Grande Horloge - La Comtoise au XIXe Siècle

Caudine (A.): La Grande Horloge - La Comtoise au XIXe Siècle
NEW. 271 pages, over 700 illustrations, 2nd edition, 2006. A detailed study of the evolution and characteristics of the Comtoise clock in the 19th century. Case design, construction, and decoration is covered in great detail, as is the development of dials and dial surrounds. With dust jacket. [French language] (Ref: N2720)

Price: £35.00
Chayette (H.), Sabrier (J.-C.) & Turner (A.): Breguet chez Chayette

Chayette (H.), Sabrier (J.-C.) & Turner (A.): Breguet chez Chayette
NEW. 184 pages, 130 illustrations, 2010. Written to celebrate 30 years involvement in horology, this book is a record of all the works by Breguet offered in the Chayette auctions. The book also has three essays by the authors -Thirty Years of Horology; Loss and Preservation of the Breguet Archives; Breguet, A 'Marketing' Man. Card covers. [Essays in English and French language, the catalogue of items sold in French language only] (Ref: N2431)

Price: £25.00
Clutton (C.) & Daniels (G.): Watches

Clutton (C.) & Daniels (G.): Watches
NEW. 320 pages, over 600 illustrations, reprinted 2022. The long awaited reprint of the third and best edition of Clutton & Daniels' important illustrated reference work on the general history of the watch from 1500 to 1980, with a new forward by Jonathan Betts. The illustrations and technical assessment of the principal escapements are especially useful. With dust jacket. (Ref: N5191)

Price: £95.00
Collins (P.R.): Aneroid Barometers and Their Restoration

Collins (P.R.): Aneroid Barometers and Their Restoration
NEW. 212 pages, illus., 1998. A very comprehensive book on pocket and wall mounted aneroid barometers from their beginnings in 1844 to the late 20th century. The book includes information on the Bourdon and Vidi designs as well as altimeter and surveying variants. With dust jacket. (Ref: N79)

Price: £18.95
Collins (P.R.): Bizarre Barometers and Other Unusual Weather Forecasters

Collins (P.R.): Bizarre Barometers and Other Unusual Weather Forecasters
NEW. 103 pages, illustrated, 2004. A fascinating collection of strange weather instruments including the weather glass, the shark oil barometer, the weather house, the Tempest Prognosticator, the use of frogs, and many, many more!! Card covers. (Ref: N429)

Price: £7.95
Collins (P.R.): FitzRoy and his Barometers

Collins (P.R.): FitzRoy and his Barometers
NEW. 144 pages, illustrated, 2007. An interesting book about Robert FitzRoy, Captain of HMS Beagle during the famous voyage with Charles Darwin, and in later life a passionate advocate of the use of the barometer to reduce fatalities at sea. The book concentrates on FitzRoy's contribution to meteorology and the barometer which bears his name. Card covers. (Ref: N1497)

Price: £9.95
Cowham (M.): A Dial In Your Poke (1st edition)

Cowham (M.): A Dial In Your Poke
NEW. 212 pages, well illustrated in colour, 1st edition, 2004. A good book about pocket sundials of all types with detailed explanations of how to use them. The book has useful appendices on caring for dials, fakes, magnetic deviation and museums with sundial collections. In case you are wondering 'he drew a dial from his poke' is a quotation from Shakespeare. With dust jacket. New copies, found in box at back of storeroom. (Ref: N417)

Price: £20.00
Craven (M.): John Whitehurst: Innovator, Scientist, Geologist and Clockmaker

Craven (M.): John Whitehurst: Innovator, Scientist, Geologist and Clockmaker
NEW. 288 pages, illustrated, 2015. The author's previous book on Whitehurst is long out of print, so this new book with up to date information is most welcome. Whitehurst of Derby was a very talented man - instrument maker, mechanical engineer, clockmaker, the father of modern geology, and a member of the Royal Society. The book has very detailed information on the clockmaking activities of John Whitehurst and his successors. With dust jacket. (Ref: N3465)

Price: £30.00
Daniels (G.): All in Good Time - Reflections of a Watchmaker

Daniels (G.): All in Good Time - Reflections of a Watchmaker
NEW. 222 pages, 80 plates (many in colour), expanded edition reprinted 2018. First published in 2000, with a revised edition in 2006, this new edition has the same text and illustrations as the original plus additional photographs of aspects of Daniels life in 2010 and his tourbillon wristwatch and co-axial anniversary wristwatch developed after the book was first written. George Daniels is famous for his invention of the co-axial escapement and for the design and production of a small number of excellent watches for which he made all the parts including the case. With dust jacket. (Ref: N1262)

Price: £30.00
Daniels (G.): The Art of Breguet

Daniels (G.): The Art of Breguet
New. 394 pages, well illustrated with 427 b&w illustrations and 12 colour plates, reprinted with a foreword by Emmanuel Breguet, 2021. Long out of print, this much needed reprint makes Daniels' standard reference work, about the life and work of Abraham Louis Breguet and his successors, available to a new generation of enthusiasts and collectors. With dust jacket. (Ref: N5084)

Price: £95.00
Daniels (G.): The Practical Watch Escapement

Daniels (G.): The Practical Watch Escapement
NEW. 76 pages, illustrated, new edition, 2016. An expert's description of all common escapements with practical notes on their geometries, together with a description and drawings of George Daniel's famous co-axial escapement, the first new escapement since Thomas Mudge's lever. The text of this new edition is the same as the first edition, plus a foreword by Roger Smith and a summary of the industry's use of the co-axial escapement since Omega started using it in their wristwatches in 1999. The photographs, different but now in colour, show several of Daniel's pocket watches and his Anniversary wristwatch. This new edition is hardback with dust jacket. (Ref: N4096)

Price: £30.00
Daniels (G.): Watchmaking

Daniels (G.): Watchmaking
NEW. 420 pages, portraits, 25 plates, 777 figures, 4th edition, reprinted 2014. A superb book, by the world's greatest 20th century watchmaker, which explains in detail how to design and make all the parts of a watch. The drawings by David Penney are excellent and make all the techniques described in the text easily understandable. Daniels' aim in writing the book was to inspire and encourage the art of watchmaking - the aim has been achieved as the book has been constantly in demand since it was first published in 1981. This edition has an additional portrait of Daniels and 3 new plates (numbered 0, 23 & 24). With dust jacket. (Ref: N876)

Price: £65.00
Darken (J.) (editor): The Passage of Time - an Exhibition of Timekeeping Through the Ages

Darken (J.) (editor): The Passage of Time - an Exhibition of Timekeeping Through the Ages
NEW. 41 pages, illustrated, 1999. The catalogue of an exhibition held in London in November 1999. Many of the clocks were on loan from private collections so the illustrations are not available elsewhere. Card covers. (Ref: N985)

Price: £9.00
Davies (E.): Greater Manchester Clocks and Clockmakers

Davies (E.): Greater Manchester Clocks and Clockmakers
NEW. 342 pages, about 270 illustrations, 2007. A well researched new book containing detailed information about the clock and watch makers of Southeast Lancashire and Northeast Cheshire (including Stockport, Oldham, Bolton, Bury, Rochdale, Wigan and Ashton-under-Lyne). As well as information on the makers the book has chapters on turret clocks, public clocks, scientific lectures, the Townley group of astronomers and mill clocks. With dust jacket. (Ref: N1283)

Price: £35.00

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