J - M

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Marrison ( W.A.):  The Crystal Clock

Marrison ( W.A.): The Crystal Clock
O/P. 11 pages, figs., 1930. A very important paper as the author, who worked for Bell telephone Laboratories in New York, built the first clock controlled by the constant frequency of the oscillation of a quartz crystal in 1927. The development of solid state electronics in the 1980's led to quartz timekeepers becoming the most common form of timekeeper. Very good copy. Card covers.

* Was £15.00, now on special offer at £5.00 *

(Ref: K3697 - BX13)

Price: £5.00

Marryat (H.): Watches Vol. 1 Henlein to Tompion
O/P. 98 pages, illustrated, published by author, number 71 of an unspecified print run, 1938. Volume 1 is about early watches, from the 16th & 17th centuries; i.e. from Henlein to Tompion. Volume 2 was never published. A good copy of a well respected and scarce book, original green cloth, marbled endpapers, top edge gilt. (Ref: K201 - Y1)

Price: £25.00

Marshall & Co.: Electric Clocks and Chimes
O/P. 159 pages, illustrated, revised edition, published in the 1920's. This is "A practical handbook giving complete instructions for the making of successful electrical timepieces, synchronised clocks systems, and chiming mechanism". A good copy showing signs of use, stiff card covers. This is an original copy not a modern reprint. (Ref: K2253 - Z1)

Price: £5.00

Marshall (P. & Co.): Electric Clocks and Chimes
O/P. 159 pages, illustrated, first edition, circa 1921. This is "A practical handbook giving complete instructions for the making of successful electrical timepieces, synchronised clocks systems, and chiming mechanism". A good copy, stiff card covers. This is an original, not a modern reprint. (Ref: K4812 - Y1)

Price: £5.00

Marshall (T.): Buckinghamshire Clock & Watchmakers

Marshall (T.): Buckinghamshire Clock & Watchmakers
NEW. 421 pages, over 500 illustrations, 2019. An excellent, much needed, addition to the books about clock and watch makers in the English counties. The book traces the history of clock and watch making in Buckinghamshire from the early 17th to the 20th century; with biographical information on over 600 men and women associated with the craft together will illustrations of their work. Also included is a large section on turret clocks in the county, with more than 100 clocks listed including over 40 seventeenth and eighteenth century examples. With dust jacket.

* Was £48.00, now on special offer at £35.00 *

(Ref: N4948)

Price: £35.00

Martin (C.): A Celebration of Cornish Sun Dials
O/P. 48 pages, illustrated, 1994. A directory of sundials in Cornwall with location map and notes on the history and mathematics of dialling. Good copy card covers. (Ref: K3588 - BX17)

Price: £5.00

Mason (B.): Clock and Watchmaking in Colchester

Mason (B.): Clock and Watchmaking in Colchester
O/P. 436 pages, well illustrated, 1st and only edition, 1969. This is a very detailed account of Colchester makers and their output and set a standard for regional books which has never been equalled. A very good copy, the dust jacket good with light wear to top of spine, in original card slipcase (worn to corners and splitting on one edge). (Ref: K823 - V2)

Price: £85.00

Mauch (C.) & Mauch (E.): Horological Dictionary/Horologisches Lexikon Volume 1 only
O/P. Volume 1 only. 357 pages, 1984. Volume 1 is a comprehensive German to English dictionary especially for horologists (for English to German you need volume 2). This work is ideal for those of us who struggle to understand important German language books. A very good copy. (Ref: K205 - M1)

Price: £15.00

May (W.E.): How the Chronometer Went to Sea
O/P. 27 pages, illustrated, 1976. An interesting account of the early use of chronometers by the Royal Navy and the East India Company. Originally published in Antiquarian Horology. A very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K1764 - BX2)

Price: £15.00

Mayall (R.N.) & Mayall (M.W.): Sundials
O/P. 250 pages, 8 colour and 53 b&w illustrations, 2nd edition, 1973. A very good book on sundials with detailed chapters on how to use and make them, including a heliochronometer. A very good copy (owners name on front end paper), the dust jacket poor. (Ref: K2227 - B1)

Price: £10.00

McCarthy (J.R.): A Matter of Time: The Story of the Watch
O/P. 230 pages, illus, 1947. The book has 4 parts: The Calculation of Time; The Clock; The Portable Timepieces; and The Making of the Modern Watch. The last section is probably the most interesting. With worn dust jacket. (Ref: K3130 - K1)

Price: £5.00

McConnell (A.): Barometers
O/P. 32 pages, illustrated, 1988. A good introductory guide to the subject. A fine copy, card covers. (Ref: K2377 - BX2)

Price: £1.00

McConnell (A.): Barometers
O/P. 32 pages, illustrated, 2nd edition, 1994. A good introductory guide to the subject. A fine copy, card covers. (Ref: K2957 - L1)

Price: £1.00

McConnell (A.): Jesse Ramsden (1735 - 1800) London's Leading Scientific Instrument Maker
O/P. 318 pages, illustrated, 2007. An excellent biography about the life and work of Jesse Ramsden who made scientific instruments for the major European observatories as well as private clients. This is a detailed account of the scientific instrument trade, in London, in the second half of the eighteenth century. The book also has a chapter on Ramsden's successors - Matthew Berge, James Allen and Nathaniel Worthington. A very good copy (corners lightly bumped) with good dust jacket. (Ref: K4716 - X2)

Price: £50.00

McConnell (A.): R B Bate of the Poultry 1782 - 1847
O/P. 74 pages, 13 illustrations, 1993. The life and times of Robert Brettell Bate, a London scientific instrument maker and chart agent to the Admiralty. An excellent monograph. Very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K1177 - BX8)

Price: £50.00

McEvoy (R.) & Betts (J.) editors: Harrison Decoded - Towards a Perfect Pendulum Clock

McEvoy (R.) & Betts (J.) editors: Harrison Decoded - Towards a Perfect Pendulum Clock
NEW. 183 pages, 82 illustrations, 2020. A thorough study of Harrison's pendulum clockmaking from a practical perspective and the story of around forty years of collaborative research into John Harrison's complex and surprising pendulum clock theory. An unofficial test of Martin Burgess's 'Clock B' at the Royal Observatory, made from modern materials and following the perceived format laid out in Harrison's convoluted text 'Concerning such mechanism ...', showed exceptional timekeeping and proved that Harrisons ideas were sound. With dust jacket. (Ref: N5026)

Price: £50.00
McKay (C.): J. Smith & Sons of Clerkenwell - Facsimiles

McKay (C.): J. Smith & Sons of Clerkenwell - Facsimiles
NEW. 72 pages, illustrated, 2001. Advertising material and catalogues, dating from 1880 and circa 1910, showing Smith's products are reproduced in facsimile, as well as a Victorian article about the firm from The Illustrated London News. The material covers all kinds of English clocks. Card covers. (Ref: N531)

Price: £12.00
McKenna (J.): Clockmakers and Watchmakers of Central England

McKenna (J.): Clockmakers and Watchmakers of Central England
NEW. 368 pages, 300 illus., 1 map, 2002. A very detailed study of makers in Birmingham, Coventry, Warwickshire, Worcestershire and Staffordshire. As well as the biographical details of makers there are sections on Uttoxeter case makers, Newcastle-under-Lyme movement makers, sources of parts and materials as well as Birmingham dial makers and dial painters. This is an excellent book and well worth buying. With dust jacket. (Ref: N206)

Price: £35.00

McKenna (J.): Watch, Clock & Dialmakers of Birmingham (1547 - 1900)
O/P. 96 pages, 13 illustrations, no date. A listing of Birmingham makers. Good copy, card covers. (Ref: K1355 - F5)

Price: £5.00

McKenna (J.):  Watch & Clockmakers of Warwickshire (1436 - 1900)

McKenna (J.): Watch & Clockmakers of Warwickshire (1436 - 1900)
O/P. 59 pages, 9 illustrations, no date. A listing of Warwickshire makers, excluding Birmingham and Coventry. Very good copy, card covers.

* Was £5.00, now on special offer at £2.00 *

(Ref: K1354 - F5)

Price: £2.00

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