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Morpurgo (E.): La Mostra Degli Orologi Antichi a Winterthur
O/P. 6 pages, 4 figs, 1959. A description of the Kellerberger collection of medieval clocks at the Winterthur Museum, Switzerland. Good copy, card covers. [Italian language] (Ref: K3548 - BX12)

Price: £4.00

Morpurgo (E.): Orologiai Triestini
O/P. 7 pages, 9 figs., 1960. A paper on clockmaking in Trieste, Italy including the hydrogen driven clock by Pasquale Andervalt. Good copy, card covers. [Italian language] (Ref: K3547 - BX12)

Price: £4.00

Morpurgo (E.): Precious Watches from the 16th to the 19th century with a Historical survey of Italian Watchmaking
O/P. 113 pages, illustrated, no date. This book illustrates some fine watches and sundials. Good copy with dj. (Ref: K984)

Price: £10.00

Mortensen (O.): Jens Olsen's Clock
O/P. 156 pages, well illustrated, 1957. A detailed description of a complex astronomical clock made betweeen 1944 and 1955. If you are in Copenhagen go and see it, it's in the Town Hall. A good copy, the dust jacket also good but a bit discouloured and with light wear to edges. (Ref: K365 - F4)

Price: £6.00

Mosoriak (R.): The Curious History of Musical Boxes
O/P. 242 pages, 41 plates plus 30 photographs of the Clara Dawes Collection, 1st edition, 1943. This book has lots of information including a checklist of makers and a listing of all U.S. patents issued concerning music boxes. A good copy, boards a little worn to edges. (Ref: K218 - M3)

Price: £10.00

Mühe (R.), Kahlert (H.) & Techen (B.): Wecker
O/P. 194 pages, illus., 1991. A comprehensive catalogue of alarm clocks, and watches with an alarm feature, from the 17th to the 20th century. Published by the Deutsches Uhrenmuseum, Furtwangen. Good copy. [German language] (Ref: K3220 - T1)

Price: £5.00

Muir (W.) & Kraus (B.): Marion - A History of The United States Watch Company
O/P. 216 pages, 255 illus., 1st edition, 1985. Limited edition of 2000 copies. A comprehensive and well researched history of the United States Watch Company of Marion, New Jersey and their watches. Fine copy with very good dust jacket. (Ref: K3240 - W3)

Price: £25.00

Musée Du Conservatoire National Des Arts Et Métiers: Automates et Mécanismes A Musique
O/P. 66 pages, illustrated, 1960. The catalogue of the automata in this Paris museum's collection, including singing birds, clocks and watches, androids and mechanical organs. Good copy, card covers. [French language] (Ref: K5154 - BX6)

Price: £5.00

Musée International D'Horlogerie: Catalogue de la Bibliothèque
O/P. 215 pages, 1979. A catalogue of the library of this well known museum in La Chaux-de-Fonds. Very good copy, card covers. [French language] (Ref: K4888 - Q1)

Price: £5.00

Musée International D'Horlogerie: Catalogue de la Bibliothèque
O/P. 95 pages, 1969. A catalogue of the library of this well known museum in La Chaux-de-Fonds. Very good copy, card covers. [French language] (Ref: K4751 - BX14)

Price: £5.00

Musée International D'Horlogerie: Chronatome de L’Horlogerie Electrique a L’Electronique
O/P. 56 pages, illus., 1978. A history of the growth of the electric and electronic watch and clock industry in Switzerland. Very good copy. Card covers. [French language] (Ref: K3096 - BX15)

Price: £5.00

Musée International D'Horlogerie: Chronatome - Electric and Electronic Horology
O/P. 56 pages, illus., 1978. A history of the growth of the electric and electronic watch and clock industry in Switzerland. Very good copy. Card covers. (Ref: K4795 - BX10)

Price: £10.00

[Museo Poldi Pezzoli]: Glio orologi - Museo Poldi Pezzoli
O/P. 84 pages, illustrated, 1974. An introduction to some of the scientific instruments, clocks and watches in this museum in Milan. A clean copy, card covers now a bit worn. [Italian language] (Ref: K3935 - F1)

Price: £5.00

Mycko (D.A.) & Ehrhardt (R.): Vintage American &European Character Wrist Watch Price Guide Book 3
O/P. 210 pages, illustrated, 1989. A useful book for collectors of these watches. Good copy, card covers. (Ref: K2827 - N1)

Price: £5.00

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