Little (J.E.) and Nettell (D.F.): Uffington Church Clock O/P. 10 pages, 4 illus., 1969. A short technical and historical account of the Uffington church clock A.D. 1701. Good copy, card covers. (Ref: K4733 - BX6) in stock. Price: £4.00 |
Lloyd (H.A.): Chats on Old Clocks O/P. 186 pages, 74 plates, 1951. This is one of Lloyd's earlier books but is still well worth reading. (Ref: K184 - H4) in stock. Price: £3.00 |
Lloyd (H.A.): Five Hundred Years of Precision Timekeeping O/P. 18 pages, 34 figures, 1944. An interesting survey of timekeeping improvements from the discovery of sidereal time about 140 B.C. to the quartz clock in the 1930's. An extract from the Horological Journal. Good copy, card covers. (Ref: K3603 - BX11) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Lloyd (H.A.): Horology and Meteorology O/P. [22 pages], 35 figures, [ 1953 ]. A two part article, extracted from Journal Suisse d'Horlogerie, showing the connection between horology and meteorology - the recording of barometric pressure; the effect of variation in air density on timekeeping; the use of pressure changes as the driving force for a clock. A good copy, paper covers. (Ref: K3606 - BX11) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Lloyd (H.A.): Old Clocks O/P. 216 pages, 80 plates, 4th edition, 1970. The best edition of this book. Lloyd was one of the most respected horologists of his day and all his books are worth reading. This book has chapters on early continental clocks, lantern clocks, bracket clocks, longcase clocks, night clocks and American clocks. A good copy with good dust jacket. (Ref: K911 - G3) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Lloyd (H.A.): Some Outstanding Clocks Over Seven Hundred Years 1250 - 1950 O/P. 160 pages, 173 plates, 42 figs., 1st edition, 1958. A well respected book which illustrates and explains a succession of important clocks. Giovanni de Dondi's clock of 1364, Joseph Williamson's equation clock, Cummings's barograph clock and James Cox's perpetual motion clock are all included and properly explained. A good copy with fair dust jacket. (Ref: K358 - F4) in stock. Price: £20.00 |
Lloyd (H.A.): Some Outstanding Clocks Over Seven Hundred Years 1250 - 1950 O/P. 160 pages plus173 plates, 42 figures, reprinted 1981. A well respected book that illustrates and explains a succession of important clocks. Giovanni de Dondi's clock of 1364, Joseph Williamson's equation clock, Cummings's barograph clock and James Cox's perpetual motion clock are all included and properly explained. A fine copy, simulated suede binding and good original clear film wrapper. (Ref: K187 - Y3) in stock. Price: £25.00 |
Lloyd (H.A.): The Collectors' Dictionary of Clocks O/P. 214 pages, 509 illustrations, 1st edition, 1964. A very useful book illustrating all the various types of clock from around the world, with notes on some famous makers. I find this a useful reference book to have on the bookshelf. A good copy, slightly faded on spine. (Ref: K188 - G1) in stock. Price: £15.00 |
Lloyd (H.A.): The Collector's Dictionary of Clocks O/P. 214 pages, 509 illustrations, 1969. A very useful book on clocks, watches, chronometers, sundials and astrolabes, illustrating all the various types from around the world, with notes on some famous makers. A good copy with stain to bottom of spine. No dust jacket. (Ref: K661 - G1) in stock. Price: £10.00 |
Lloyd (H.A.): The Collectors' Dictionary of Clocks O/P. 214 pages, 509 illustrations, the American edition, 1964. A very useful book on clocks, watches, chronometers, sundials, and astrolabes illustrating all the various types from around the world, with notes on some famous makers. With dust jacket. (Ref: K189 - F4) in stock. Price: £10.00 |
Lloyd (H A.): The English Domestic Clock Its Evolution and History O/P. 29 pages, 42 figs., first edition, 1938. This is, I believe, Lloyd's first publication on clocks and charts the development of lantern, longcase and bracket clocks. A good introduction to the subject. A good copy. (Ref: K662 - E3) in stock. Price: £15.00 |
Lloyd (H.A.): The Wuppertal Clock & Watch Museum O/P. [23 pages], 52 illustrations, 1966. An offprint from The Antique Collector describing some of the fine clocks and watches in the Wuppertal Museum, Germany. Card covers, stapled. (Ref: K2792 - BX3) in stock. Price: £2.00 |
 | Locke (J.): Your Clock - The Owner's Guide to Mechanical Clocks NEW. 50 pages, illustrated, 2002. An introductory guide for the new and novice clock owner. Card covers. (Ref: N2841) in stock. Price: £1.00 |
Lonsdale (H.): George Graham Clockmaker O/P. 66 pages, portrait, 1875. A paper on the Cumberland origins and the life of George Graham (with portrait), contained within a volume on The Worthies of Cumberland. The book also has a portrait and 33-page paper on Edward Troughton the famous mathematical instrument maker. Very good copy, original binding, cloth now a little worn to edges. (Ref: KW6090 - E5) in stock. Price: £20.00 |
 | Loomes (B.): Brass Dial Clocks O/P. 448 pages, 48 colour & 711 b&w plates, 1998. This excellent book is a detailed study of the origins and development of brass dial domestic clocks in Britain and America. Always in demand by longcase clock enthusiasts, this book also has a chapter of case studies of early provincial makers. A very good copy with good dust jacket (small tear to front and with wear to corners). (Ref: K830 - F6) in stock. Price: £85.00 |
Loomes (B.): British Clocks Illustrated O/P. 272 pages, 300 illustrations, 1992. A good pictorial survey of clocks and their history, styles, periods and collectability. A very good copy with very good dust jacket. (Ref: K983 - B2) in stock. Price: £10.00 |
Loomes (B.): Complete British Clocks O/P. 256 pages, illustrated, 1978. This is the original edition not the later reprint by Bracken books. A very good copy with good dust jacket. (Ref: K192 - E6) in stock. Price: £10.00 |
Loomes (B.): Complete British Clocks O/P. 256 pages, illustrated, 1978. The Bracken Books reprint. A useful book about English longcase clocks (and a few bracket clocks). Very good copy with very good dust jacket. (Ref: K808 - D3) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Loomes (B.): Country Clocks and their London Origins O/P. 192 pages, illus., 1st and only edition, 1976. This book is often overlooked these days but it is essential reading for the chapter on the Fromanteel family; it contains accurate information, the result of much research. Very ood copy with very good dust jacket.
* Was £25.00, now on special offer at £15.00 *
(Ref: K359 - D3) in stock. Price: £15.00 |
 | Loomes (B.): Grandfather Clocks and their Cases O/P. 352 pages, 433 illustrations, 1985. 30 years on, this is still the best book for understanding English and Scottish regional case styles. This is one of Loomes' best books and has become hard to find. A very good copy, with good dust jacket. (Ref: K912 - E4) in stock. Price: £70.00 |