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Kenney (C.E.): The Quadrant and the Quill
O/P. 166 pages, 93 plates, 1947. A book written in honour of Captain Samuel Sturmy, "a tried and trusty Sea-man," and author of The Mariner's Magazine, 1669. An interesting book with sections on the life of Captain Samuel Sturmy, the seventeenth century background, a general description of his book - The mariner's Magazine - and a section on Sturmy's library. A good copy (bookplate on ffep), corners worn. (Ref: K3928 - Q3)

Price: £10.00

Kent (P.) & Chapman (A.) Editors: Robert Hooke and the English Renaissance

Kent (P.) & Chapman (A.) Editors: Robert Hooke and the English Renaissance
NEW. 191 pages, illustrated, 2005. An interesting book about the life and work of Robert Hooke, whose genius is becoming more and more appreciated. Scientist, architect, town planner, microscopist, astronomer and inventor, Hooke was a true polymath. (Ref: N3515)

Price: £10.00

Keystone Watch Case Co. Ltd: Duracy Watch Trade price List March 1st 1927
O/P. 8 pages, illustrated, 1927. Duracy pocket watches, available in a range of case styles, advertised as durable and accurate. Good copy, staples rusted. Card covers. (Ref: K3303 - BX17)

Price: £5.00

Kiegeland (B.): Uhren
O/P. 144 pages, illus., 1976. A well illustrated introduction to clocks and watches. With dust jacket. [German language] (Ref: K3195 - S3)

Price: £5.00

Kienzle Uhrenfabriken: Kienzle Uhren Museum
O/P. 12 pages, illustrated, circa 1961. A brief introduction to the Kienzle clockmuseum, Schwenningen. Good copy, paper covers. (Ref: K4828 - BX8)

Price: £1.00

Kienzle Uhrenfabriken: Helmut Kienzle Uhren Museum
O/P. 20 pages, illustrated, circa 1966. A brief introduction to the Kienzle clockmuseum, Schwenningen. Good copy, paper covers. (Ref: K4829 - BX2)

Price: £1.00

Koch (R.): Bi-Lexikon Uhren und Zeitmessung
O/P. Published 1987. A German lexicon of over 1500 words and phrases used in the sphere of clocks, watches and time measurement illustrated by line drawings and 40 plates. With dust jacket. [German language] (Ref: K2022 - G5)

Price: £5.00

Kochmann (K.): Black Forest Music Clocks
S/H. 61 pages, 37 illustrations, figures, 1990. A useful book on the history, makers, technology and construction of the Black Forest flute clock. Good copy, card covers. (Ref: K3983 - W1)

Price: £15.00

Kreuzer (A.): Die Armbanduhr Zeit am Handgelenk
O/P. 167 pages, illus., 2nd edition, 1988. The first hundred years of the history of the wristwatch including electric and quartz examples. Very good copy with good dust jacket (one 5cm tear). [German language] (Ref: K3255 - V2)

Price: £15.00

Kreuzer (A.): Omega Designs

Kreuzer (A.): Omega Designs
NEW. 224 pages, illustrated, 2nd edition, 2008. A detailed history of Omega wristwatch production and an illustrated description of all watch movements manufactured by Omega since registration of its trade mark in 1894. A new revised edition with updated price guide. With dust jacket. (Ref: P1852)

Price: £55.00

Krogt (P van der): Old Globes in the Netherlands
O/P. 290 pages, illustrated, 1st English language edition, 1984. A catalogue of terrestrial and celestial globes made prior to 1850 and preserved in Dutch collections. A very good copy with good dust jacket (one small tear). (Ref: K4227 - G2)

Price: £25.00

Krug (G.): Elektrische Uhren spezialwissen für die berufsbildung
O/P. 184 pages, illus., 1970. A technical book on the theory of electrical circuits, batteries, etc., as used in electric clocks. [German language] (Ref: K3114 - J1)

Price: £1.00

Kugel (A.): Spheres - The Art of the Celestial Mechanic

Kugel (A.): Spheres - The Art of the Celestial Mechanic
O/P. 254 pages, profusely illustrated in colour, 2002. An excellent hardback catalogue of an exhibition held by Jacques Kugel in Paris in 2002. Each of the 7 celestial globes, 11 terrestrial globes, 15 armillary spheres, 13 mechanical spheres and 6 astronomical ring dials are described in detail, each with several photographs. A very good copy of the English language edition, with very good dust jacket.

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(Ref: K178 - M3)

Price: £135.00

L'Amour De L'Art: La Mesure du Temps
O/P. 168 pages, illus., 1948. This issue of the French publication L'Amour de l'Art is devoted to the measurement of time from early sundials to modern clocks and watches. Card covers as issued, now a little worn. [French language] (Ref: K179 - F4)

Price: £10.00

Landes (D.S.): Revolution in Time - Clocks and the Making of the Modern World
O/P. 518 pages, 40 figures, 2nd edition, 2000. The author explores why the clock was invented in Europe and remained a European monopoly for 500 years, then describes the improvement in timekeeping devices during those years. The final section studies the methods of manufacture and the people who made them. A very good copy of the paperback edition, spine lightly creased. Card covers. (Ref: K180 - R1)

Price: £15.00

Langman (H.R.) & Ball (A.): Electrical Horology
O/P. 200 pages, 93 figures, 3rd edition, 1946. A practical manual on the application of the principles and practice of electricity to horological instruments and machines for the measurement of time, with an account of the earliest electrically-driven clock mechanism. A very comprehensive book on the subject. A good clean copy, covers marked, with poor dust jacket. (Ref: K2224 - L1)

Price: £35.00

La Société Des Fabricants D'Horlogerie De La Chaux-De-Fonds: La Chaux-de-Fonds Métropole de L'Industrie Horlogère
O/P. 36 pages, illustrated, no date. A publicity brochure, produced circa 1912, for the La Chaux-de-Fonds horological industry. Very good copy, card covers. [French language] (Ref: K3270 - BX16)

Price: £15.00

Laycock (W.S.): The Lost Science of John

Laycock (W.S.): The Lost Science of John "Longitude" Harrison
O/P. 159 pages, 144 figs., signed by author, 1976. Laycock investigated and explained the theory behind many of Harrison's ideas used on his wooden regulators and his marine clocks. As Harrison's own writings are very difficult to understand, Laycock's analysis of his ideas is of value to all enthusiasts. A very good copy (owners name and blind stamp on ffep, author's obituary pasted inside front cover) with very good dust (faded to spine), of a scarce book.

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(Ref: K413 - E7)

Price: £235.00

Lee (M.): A Clock at Browne's Hospital, Stamford
O/P. [89 pages], illustrated, signed by author, 2001. The first clock at Browne's Hospital was made by John Watts of Stamford in 1684 and replaced by another clock in 1840. The book reproduces invoices written by Robert Watts (John's son) for work done on the clock between 1719 and 1759. Other invoices and receipts by Robert Watts, for other work are also included. A very good copy (a few annotations in text), card covers. (Ref: K3584 - E2)

Price: £15.00

Lee (R.A.): The Knibb Family Clockmakers

Lee (R.A.): The Knibb Family Clockmakers
O/P. 187 pages, 5 colour and 190 b&w plates, 1st and only edition, number 711 of 1000 copies, 1964. This volume, now hard to find, is the standard reference book on the life and work of John, Joseph, Peter and Samuel Knibb. A very good clean copy, the end papers a little marked. The dust jacket is in good condition with light wear to edges and to top and bottom of spine.

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(Ref: K798 - E4)

Price: £650.00

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