Bargain Basement

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Kemp (R.): The Englishman's Watch
O/P. 148 pages plus 139 plates, 1979. A good introductory book to pocket watch collecting written by a watch collector who liked American, Swiss and English watches of the late 18th to the early 20th century. Lots of information for the enthusiast. A good copy with fairly good dust jacket . (Ref: BB305)

Price: £15.00

Leopold (J.H.): The Almanus Manuscript
O/P. 306 pages, illustrations and descriptions of 30 clocks, 1971. This book reproduces and translates the manuscript written in 1475, of Brother Paulus Almanus. He was entrusted with care of the clocks in Rome and made elaborate notes on the clocks he considered interesting. Clean copy, fair dust jacket. (Ref: BB245)

Price: £15.00

Lloyd (H.A.): Chats on Old Clocks
O/P. 186 pages, 74 plates, 1951. This is one of Lloyd's earlier books but is still well worth reading. Good copy, poor dust jacket. (Ref: BB189)

Price: £4.00

Lloyd (H.A.): Old Clocks
O/P. 216 pages, 80 plates, 4th edition, 1970. Lloyd was one of the most respected horologists of his day and all his books are worth reading. This book has chapters on early continental clocks, lantern clocks, bracket clocks, longcase clocks, night clocks and American clocks. Poor dust jacket. (Ref: BB120)

Price: £4.00

Lloyd (H.A.): The Collectors' Dictionary of Clocks
O/P. 214 pages, 509 illustrations, the American edition, 1964. A very useful book on clocks, watches, chronometers, sundials and astrolabes, illustrating all the various types from around the world, with notes on some famous makers. A good clean copy, poor dust jacket. (Ref: BB39)

Price: £5.00

Lloyd (H A.): The English Domestic Clock Its Evolution and History
O/P. 29 pages, 42 figs., first edition, 1938. This is, I believe, Lloyd's first publication on clocks and charts the development of lantern, longcase and bracket clocks. A good introduction to the subject. A good copy, binding a bit loose. (Ref: BBW340)

Price: £10.00

Loomes (B.): British Clocks Illustrated
O/P. 272 pages, 300 illustrations, 1992. A good pictorial survey of clocks and their history, styles, periods and collectability. A good copy with good dust jacket. (Ref: BB278)

Price: £9.00

Loomes (B.): Complete British Clocks
O/P. 256 pages, illustrated, 1978. Good clean copy with good dust jacket of a useful book about English longcase clocks (and a few bracket clocks). (Ref: BB217)

Price: £5.00

Loomes (B.): Country Clocks and their London Origins
O/P. 192 pages, illus., 1st and only edition, 1976. This book is often overlooked these days but it is essential reading for the chapter on the Fromanteel family; it contains accurate information, the result of much research. Good copy with fair dust jacket. (Ref: BB226)

Price: £10.00

Loomes (B.): Lancashire Clocks and Clockmakers
O/P. 184 pages, 16 photographs, 1975. A useful book with a list of Lancashire makers. A good copy of a scarce book now showing signs of use, with poor dust jacket, faded on spine as usual. (Ref: BB342)

Price: £15.00

Loomes (B.): The White Dial Clock
O/P. 172 pages, 44 illus., 1977. Loomes' pioneering work on painted dial longcase clocks. A good copy with dust jacket. (Ref: BB228)

Price: £7.00

Loomes (B.): Watchmakers and Clockmakers of the World volume 2
O/P. 299 pages, 2nd edition, reprinted 1992 This and volume 1 are indispensable for their listings of makers and their working dates. (See under Baillie for volume 1, and under Loomes for the new combined 21st century edition). A good copy, showing signs of use. (Ref: BB203)

Price: £5.00

Loomes (B.): Westmorland Clocks and Clockmakers
O/P. 120 pages, 8 plates, 1974. A useful book on this county with a list of Westmorland clockmakers. Good copy (inscription on ffep) with good dust jacket, the latter faded on the spine a usual. (Ref: BBW341)

Price: £7.00

Marshall (P.): Electric Clocks and Chimes
O/P. 159 pages, illustrated, reprinted 1976. Originally published in the 1920's this is a practical handbook giving complete instructions for the making of successful electrical timepieces, synchronised clocks systems, and chiming mechanism. A good copy, card covers, spine faded. (Ref: BB13)

Price: £5.00

McConnell (A.): Barometers
O/P. 32 pages, illustrated, 2nd edition, reprinted 2003. A good introductory guide to the subject. Card covers. (Ref: BB313)

Price: £1.00

Mercer (A.): Chronometer Makers of the World
S/H. 301 pages, illus., revised edition, 2004. This book is very useful as it contains an extensive list of chronometer makers and craftsmen with addresses and working dates. The early chapters include information about John Harrison, the Greenwich trials, Kelvin & Hughes, Mercer serial numbers, etc. This revised edition has a few corrections in the list of makers and 10 extra pages at the end - Chronometer frame makers (1 page), overseas names listed by country (5 pages) and detailed views of Mercer chronometer movements (4 pages). A good clean copy but with two bruised corners and no title page, with dust jacket. (Ref: BB266)

Price: £10.00

Miller (J.): Miller's Clocks & Barometers Buyers Guide
O/P. 321 pages, illustrated, 2001. Illustrations and brief descriptions of all types of clocks with an indication of their then value. A very good copy with good dust jacket. (Ref: BB301)

Price: £5.00

Mortensen (O.): Jens Olsen's Clock
O/P. 156 pages, well illustrated, 1957. A detailed description of a complex astronomical clock made betweeen 1944 and 1955. If you are in Copenhagen go and see it, it's in the Town Hall. A good copy, with poor dust jacket. (Ref: BB325)

Price: £6.00

Moore (N.): Chester Clocks & Clockmakers
O/P. 19 pages, illus., 1976. A catalogue of an exhibition held in Chester museum in 1976 and still of use to enthusiasts for its list of Chester makers. A good copy, corners a bit worn, stapled card covers. (Ref: BB286)

Price: £4.00

Nicholls (A.): Clocks in Colour
O/P. 204 pages, 83 pates, 33 figs, 1975. A well illustrated book showing clocks from all over the world. Good copy with dust jacket. (Ref: BB191)

Price: £2.50

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