Bargain Basement

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Cescinsky (H.) & Webster (M. R.): English Domestic Clocks
O/P. 354 pages, 407 figs., reprinted 1968. The classic work on English clocks, no enthusiast should be without a copy as most of the book is still relevant and of use today. A good copy with poor dust jacket. (Ref: BB40)

Price: £10.00

[Clockmakers' Company]: Catalogue of the Museum of the Clockmakers' Company of London
O/P. 137 pages, 3rd edition, 1949. The catalogue of the Museum of the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers, compiled by G.H. Baillie. The collection is now housed in the Science Museum, London and is well worth a visit. A good copy, covers a little marked (Ref: BB322)

Price: £5.00

Clutton (C.) & Daniels (G.): Clocks & Watches in the Collection of the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers
O/P. 123 pages, illustrated, reprinted 1980. This is the most recent catalogue of the Clockmakers Company's collection and a useful reference book. The collection, now housed in the Science Museum, London, is open to the public and well worth a visit. A good copy, worn dust jacket. (Ref: BB232)

Price: £15.00

Coole (P.G.) & Newmann (E.): The Orpheus Clocks
O/P. 164 pages, 85 b&w plates, published in 1972. A detailed description of nine superb 16th century table clocks, the gilt cases each with a cast representation of Orpheus charming the animals. Good copy, fair dust jacket . (Ref: BB230)

Price: £6.00

Cumhaill (P.W.): Investing in Clocks & Watches
O/P. 159 pages, illus., 1967. A useful introduction to the subject but the prices are obviously totally out of date! Good copy, no dust jacket. (Ref: BB177)

Price: £2.00

Cunynghame (H.H.): Time and Clocks
O/P. 200 pages, frontispiece, 82 figs., 1906. A description of ancient and modern methods of measuring time with an appendix on the shape of the teeth of wheels. A good clean copy, rebacked, covers worn. (Ref: BB345)

Price: £5.00

Cuss (T.P. Camerer): Early Watches
O/P. 63 pages, illustrated, 1971. A small book in the Country Life Collectors' Guides series about pocket watches from 1500 to 1775. Very good copy (inscription on ffep) with good dust jacket (faded to spine). (Ref: BB320)

Price: £4.00

Cuss (T.P. Camerer): The Camerer Cuss Book of Antique Watches
S/H. 332 pages, 179 plates, 15 figures, 1976. A very good book on the subject covering the period from 1500 to 1900, with a chapter on the history of the firm Usher & Cole. Good, clean internally, tight binding, pages edges dust stained, good dust jacket. (Ref: BB84)

Price: £10.00

Cuss (T.P. Camerer): The Country Life Book of Watches
O/P. 128 pages, 128 illustrations, 1967. One of the better introductions to the subject so worth having on your bookshelf. Good clean copy with poor dust jacket. (Ref: BB163)

Price: £5.00

Daniels (G.): English & American Watches
O/P. 128 pages, 23 plates, 7 figures, 1st edition, 1967. A useful book, by the famous watchmaker, detailing the important contributions made by England and America in the development of the pocket watch. Good copy, inscription on ffep, poor dust jacket. (Ref: BB118)

Price: £12.00

Daniels (G.): The Art of Breguet
O/P. 394 pages, well illustrated with 427 b&w illustrations and 12 colour plates, 1st edition, 1974. A magnificent volume, now the standard reference work, about the life and work of Abraham Louis Breguet and his successors. A good copy with poor good dust jacket. (Ref: BBW339)

Price: £50.00

Dawson (P.G.), Drover (C.B.) & Parkes (D.W.): Early English Clocks
O/P. 550 pages, 800 illustrations, 1st edition, signed by authors, 1982. This book has become the standard work on English clocks made prior to 1710 and is an essential reference work. A good clean copy, the dust jacket very worn. (Ref: BBW220)

Price: £20.00

De Carle (D.): Clock and Watch Repairing
O/P. 309 pages, 251 figures, 2nd edition, reprinted 1994. This book has three sections: clock repair, watch repair and the mechanics of complicated watches. A good copy with dust jacket. (Ref: BB238)

Price: £5.00

De Carle (D.): Clocks and Their Value
O/P. 159 pages, 1979. Somewhat out of date but useful for the listing of Tompion's numbered clocks. With dust jacket. (Ref: BB215)

Price: £4.00

De Carle (D.): Complicated Watches and Their Repair
S/H. 174 pages, 217 figures, reprinted 1978. First published in 1956 this book has been reprinted many times as it is in essential reference book for the watch repairer and restorer. The book covers automatic watches, chronographs, alarm watches, calendar watches and repeaters from all the major manufacturers. A good copy with good dust jacket (faded to spine. (Ref: BB258)

Price: £7.00

De Carle (D.): De Carle's Watch & Clock Encyclopedia
O/P. 307 pages, illustrated, 2nd edition, reprinted 1975. The book has over 3,000 entries providing antiquarian and technical information and over 30% of the entries are illustrated by line drawings. Good copy, worn dust jacket. (Ref: BB101)

Price: £8.00

De Carle (D.): Practical Clock Repairing
S/H. 244 pages, 405 figures, reprinted 1977. De Carle wrote this book in 1946 because no authoritative book existed to provide the specialist knowledge required by apprentices and working clock repairers. The book has become a standard reference work on the subject. Good copy, owners name on front end paper, with dust jacket. (Ref: BBW69)

Price: £5.00

De Carle (D.) : Practical Watch Repairing
O/P. 299 pages, 557 figures, 1st edition, 1946. De Carle wrote this book because no authoritative book existed to provide the specialist knowledge required by apprentices and working watch repairers. The book has become a standard reference work on the subject. A good clean copy, covers worn, no dust jacket. (Ref: BBW110)

Price: £5.00

Dinsdale (N.V.): The Old Clockmakers of Yorkshire
O/P. 82 pages, illus., 1946. The first book about Yorkshire clockmakers and now very hard to find. A copy showing significant signs of use with a few annotations to the list of makers. Good copy, card covers. With the remains of the dust jacket. (Ref: BB185)

Price: £15.00

Edwardes (E.L.): The Grandfather Clock
O/P. 270 pages, 221 plates, 3rd edition, r eprinted1976. All editions of this book are different, with different illustrations, and all are worth reading. A good copy with fairly god dust jacket. (Ref: BBW90)

Price: £12.00

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