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Postage Stamps:
. For postage stamps with horological designs please go to Royal Mail in the alpabetical listing of books. (Ref: PS1)

Price (F.G. Hilton):  The Signs of Old Lombard Street

Price (F.G. Hilton): The Signs of Old Lombard Street
O/P. xiv, 112 pages, 60 illustrations, 1 folding map, 1st edition, printed on recto only, [ 1887 ]. Lombard Street historically was always associated with goldsmiths and more recently bankers. The signs date from the 17th and 18th centuries. A very good copy, first few pages with light foxing, new endpapers, original boards worn with new corners. A rare book. (Ref: K4683 - H7)

Price: £45.00
Priestley (P.T.):  Early Watch Case Makers of England 1631 - 1720

Priestley (P.T.): Early Watch Case Makers of England 1631 - 1720
O/P. 89 pages, illus., 2000. A carefully researched publication with detailed information on over 200 watch case makers, 11 working in Liverpool the remainder in London. The book also discusses the factors affecting trade during the period, including the Great Fire of London. An essential book for researchers. Hardback. (Ref: N922)

Price: £50.00

Priestley (P.T.): Early Watch Case Makers of England 1631 - 1720
O/P. 89 pages, illus., 2000. A carefully researched publication with detailed information on over 200 watch case makers, 11 working in Liverpool the remainder in London. The book also discusses the factors affecting trade during the period, including the Great Fire of London. An essential book for researchers. A very good copy, hardback. (Ref: K3287 - H7)

Price: £35.00

Priestley (P.T.): Watch Case Makers of England: A History and Register of Gold and Silver Watch Case makers of England 1720-1920
O/P. 216 pages, 126 figures, 1994. The first half of the book is a detailed review of watch case making, including the development of case styles and watch bow shapes together with a history of English hallmarking and the location and history of the case making trade. The second half of the book contains a fully detailed list of watch case makers and their marks. An essential book for all English pocket watch enthusiasts. A very good copy (inscription on title page), soft covers. (Ref: KW962 - N3)

Price: £25.00

Priestley (P.T.): Watch Case Makers of England: A History and Register of Gold and Silver Watch Case makers of England 1720-1920
O/P. 216 pages, 126 figures, 1994. The first half of the book is a detailed review of watch case making, including the development of case styles and watch bow shapes together with a history of English hallmarking and the location and history of the case making trade. The second half of the book contains a fully detailed list of watch case makers and their marks. An essential book for all English pocket watch enthusiasts. Very good copy of the hardback edition which was limited to 100 copies. Sold with a copy of Moore (D.S.) & Priestley (P.T.): Some Account of Liverpool Watch Case Makers 1785 - 1798. (Ref: K4977 - E4)

Price: £45.00

Proudfoot (C.) & Walker (P.): Woodworking Tools
O/P. 160 pages, 152 illustrations, 1984. A good book for collectors of woodworking tools, especially for British and American planes, and braces and other drilling tools. There is also a chapter on decorated and dated tools. Very good copy with good dust jacket. (Ref: K5233 - Q1)

Price: £10.00

Pryce (W.T.R.) & Davies (T.A.): Samuel Roberts Clock Maker

Pryce (W.T.R.) & Davies (T.A.): Samuel Roberts Clock Maker
O/P. 450 pages, 129 figs., 1985. The definitive work on Samuel Roberts, an eighteenth-century craftsman in the Welsh rural community of Llanfair Caereinion. Roberts produced about 600 clocks and his Account Book for the period 1755 - 1774 is reproduced as an appendix. A very good copy of an excellent book, with very good dust jacket. (Ref: K777 - E6)

Price: £15.00
Putelat (P.) & Gagnaire (P.): Cadrans Solaires des Alpes

Putelat (P.) & Gagnaire (P.): Cadrans Solaires des Alpes
O/P. 96 pages, illustrated, 1993. A beautifully illustrated volume with colour photographs of 116 dials in the French and Italian Alps. A fine copy. [French language] (Ref: K4267 - Y1)

Price: £8.00
Putelat (P.) & Tournesol (A.): Cadrans Solaires des Hautes-Alpes

Putelat (P.) & Tournesol (A.): Cadrans Solaires des Hautes-Alpes
O/P. 96 pages, illustrated, 1992. A beautifully illustrated volume with colour photographs of 89 dials in the high Alps. A fine copy. [French language] (Ref: K4268 - K1)

Price: £8.00

Quill (H.): John Harrison, Copley Medallist and the £20,000 Longitude prize
O/P. 26 pages, 21 figs., 1976. Published in commemoration of the bicentenary of the death of John Harrison, 24th March 1776. An interesting review of the life of the famous chronometer pioneer and the longitude prize. A very good copy, card covers a little faded. (Ref: K248 - BX2)

Price: £1.00

Quill (H.): John Harrison the Man who Found Longitude

Quill (H.): John Harrison the Man who Found Longitude
O/P. 255 pages, 33 illustrations, 1st and only edition, 1966. An excellent book on the life and work of John Harrison, his 4 marine timepieces and the £20,000 longitude prize. Essential reading for chronometer enthusiasts. A very good copy, the dust jacket with some wear to top edges.

* Automatic 10% discount at the checkout on this book *

(Ref: KW1313 - C2)

Price: £135.00

Randell (W.L.): Clock Repairing and Adjusting
O/P. 99 pages, 40 figs., 1st edition, 1923. A very good copy of this well-known work, now nicely bound in dark green Rexine with gilt lettering to front and spine, original card covers bound in. (Ref: K4049 - M2)

Price: £15.00

Randell (W.L.): Clock Repairing and Adjusting
O/P. 99 pages, 40 figs., Reprinted 1987. A very good copy of this well-known work, now nicely bound in black Rexine with gilt lettering to front and spine, original card covers bound in. (Ref: K4050 - T1)

Price: £7.00

Randell (W.L.): Watch Repairing and Adjusting
O/P. 46 pages, 25 figs., [ 1925 ]. A small book, useful when it was published. A good copy but paper covers very worn to spine. (Ref: K2582 - BX4)

Price: £5.00

Randell (W.L.): Watch Repairing and Adjusting
O/P. 46 pages, 25 figs., 2nd edition, reprinted 1958. A small book, useful when it was published. A good copy, pages browned with age, thin card covers. (Ref: K3223 - BX16)

Price: £5.00

Randier (J.): Nautical Antiques for the Collector
O/P. 223 pages, illustrated, 1976. A good introduction to nautical antiques including navigation instruments. A good copy with good dust jacket (the latter with wear to top of spine). (Ref: K2750 - F4)

Price: £10.00

Ray (R.): The Year in the Swiss Watch Industry - 1994 edition
O/P. 256 pages, illustrated, 1994. All the latest news from the Swiss watch industry in 1993, with details of the years 145 new watches. A very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K2822 - M3)

Price: £10.00

Rees (A.): The Cyclopædia; or, Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Literature (5 volumes)
O/P. A substantial compilation of text and about 275 plates on horology, and related subjects, extracted from the Cyclopaedia; now bound as 3 volumes of text and 2 volumes of plates, 1820. The plates include all 50 Horology Plates, as well as plates on Barometers, Dialling, Drawing Instruments, Engines, Microscopes, Telescopes and other scientific instruments. The Engines section includes Henry Hindley's Cutting Engine and Jesse Ramsden's Dividing Engine. For a more detailed list of the text and plates included, follow the 'More Information' link below. Enthusiasts will be familiar with the poor quality 1970 reprint of the horological sections of the Cyclopædia - the original plates, as here, are much clearer. A very good copy, the plates generally clean and bright with only light foxing to a small number of pages and plates. The text and plates are now in 5 cloth bound volumes, the covers a little marked, page size 10¾ x 8½ inches. (Note: this item weighs 8.5 kg approx, UK shipping is £6.99, for other destinations please email for shipping quote)

* Automatic 10% discount at the checkout on this book *

(Ref: KW5221 - T3)

Price: £175.00

Rees (A.): Clocks, Watches and Chronometers (1819 - 20)
O/P. 295 pages, figures. The 1970 facsimile of the horological sections of Rees's Cyclopaedia. This book has a lot of information on chronometers, clocks, horological tools, compensated balances, dials and dialling, escapements, pendulums and their compensation, remontoirs, etc. An interesting book factually and historically. Very good copy, very good dust jacket. (Ref: K250 - E3)

Price: £15.00

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