Patents for Inventions: Abridgments of Specifications, Class 139, Watches, Clocks and Other Timekeepers - Period A.D. 1867 - 1876 O/P. 76 pages, published in 1904. This is a useful reference source for Victorian novelty and electric clocks. The volume has diagrams illustrating various patents. Original paper covers a little torn with some loss. (Ref: K236 - BX2) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Patents for Inventions: Abridgments of Specifications, Class 139, Watches, Clocks and Other Timekeepers - Period 1889 - 1892 O/P. 83 pages, published in 1898. This is a useful reference source for Victorian novelty and electric clocks. The volume has diagrams illustrating various patents. Modern paper covers, original covers missing. (Ref: K237 - BX2) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Pattenden (P.): Sundials at an Oxford College O/P. 100 pages, 5 plates, 9 figs., 1979. A history, description and explanation of the sundials at Corpus Christi College, Oxford based on manuscripts in the College archives. The first dial by Nicolaus Kratzer is now lost but the book describes his other known dials and his period in Oxford. The second dial, usually called the Pelican sundial, was designed by Charles Turnbull and installed in 1579. The dial still exists and was restored to working order in 1976. Very good copy, card covers. (Ref: KW1301 - BX6) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Pattenden (P.): The Pelican Sundial - Description of the Tables O/P. 52 pages, 10 figs., 1980. A companion volume to Sundials at an Oxford College, this book is a detailed explanation of the tables on Turnbull's famous 'Pelican' sundial. Very good copy, card covers. (Ref: KW1302 - BX6) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Pearce (D.C.K.): The Society of Ornamental Turners Library Index O/P. Published 1996. This is in 3 sections: Author Index (39 pages) Title Index (40 pages) and SOT Number Index (24 pages). A good bibliography on the subject, useful even if you are not a member of the society. Very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K3062 - P3) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Pearsall (R.): A Connoisseur's Guide to Antique Clocks and Watches O/P. 127 pages, well illustrated in colour, 1997. A useful introduction to some excellent clocks and watches. Very good copy with good dust jacket. (Ref: K240 - G1) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Pearsall (R.): Collecting and Restoring Scientific Instruments O/P. 278 pages, 127 illustrations, 1974. A good introduction to the wide range of scientific instruments made and their purpose. The appendices list instrument makers in eighteenth-century Britain and America as well as those working in London in 1843 and 1894. Good copy with dust jacket (very faded to spine). (Ref: K2482 - M1) in stock. Price: £10.00 |
Pearsall (R.): Collecting Mechanical Antiques O/P. 197 pages, 92 illus., 1973. A good introduction to collecting typewriters, automata, telephones, cameras, mechanical toys and other gadgets. Good copy with good dust jacket. (Ref: K1042 - T1) in stock. Price: £10.00 |
 | Pearson (M.): Kent Clocks and Clockmakers NEW. 320 pages, illus., 1997. A comprehensive account of over 1200 clockmakers from the earliest period until the late 19th century. This edition is limited to 1000 numbered copies. Another useful regional title. With dust jacket. (Ref: N241) in stock. Price: £34.99 |
Pearson (M.): Kent Clocks and Clockmakers S/H. 320 pages, illus., signed by author, 1997. A comprehensive account of over 1200 clockmakers from the earliest period until the late 19th century. This edition is limited to 1000 numbered copies. Another useful regional title. Very good copy with very good dust jacket. (Ref: K2422 - X1) in stock. Price: £25.00 |
Pearson (M.): The Beauty of Clocks O/P. 96 pages, 143 colour illustrations, 1978. This book is useful for the illustrations that chart the development of longcase and bracket clocks as well as other English clocks. A very good copy with good dust jacket. (Ref: K2380 - F4) in stock. Price: £10.00 |
Pearson (M.): The Beauty of Clocks O/P. 96 pages, 143 colour illustrations, 1979. This book is useful for the illustrations that chart the development of longcase and bracket clocks as well as other English clocks. Good copy, poor dust jacket. (Ref: K385 - A3) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Peate (I.C.): Clock and Watch Makers in Wales O/P. 85 pages, 7 plates, 1st edition 1945. The first book with a listing of Welsh clock and watch makers. A very good copy of the first edition, now nicely hardbound in blue cloth, original card covers bound in. (Ref: K852 - Q1) in stock. Price: £12.00 |
Peate (I.C.): Clock and Watch Makers in Wales O/P. 107 pages, 7 plates, 2nd edition 1960. A useful book with a listing of Welsh clock and watch makers. A fine copy with very good dust jacket (spine discoloured) (Ref: K548 - F5) in stock. Price: £10.00 |
Peate (I.C.): Clock and Watch Makers in Wales O/P. 112 pages, 7 plates, 11 figs., 3rd edition, 1975. A useful book with a listing of Welsh clock and watch makers. A good copy of the hardback edition, with good dust jacket (faded to spine).
* Was £10.00, now on special ofer at £5.00 *
(Ref: K1043 - D1) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
 | Penfold (J.B.): The Clockmakers of Cumberland O/P. 284 pages, 118 illustrations, 1st edition, signed by author, 1977. This is one of the best books on English counties and has become the most sought after and difficult to find. Many famous clockmakers were born in Cumberland - George Graham, John Barwise, John Brockbank and James Gandy to name a few. This well researched book has information about all the Cumberland makers and is an essential reference book for enthusiasts. A very good copy, the original wrapper now worn and torn.
***Automatic 10% discount at the checkout on this book.***
(Ref: K872 - F3) in stock. Price: £235.00 |
 | Penman (L.): Practical Clock Escapements NEW. 248 pages, well illustrated, reprinted 2002. An excellent book for the practical enthusiast. The book is comprehensive in its treatment of virtually all escapements including platform escapements on carriage clocks. Useful chapters on pendulum suspensions and pendulums are also included. With dust jacket. Please note: this is old stock, still in publisher's shrink wrap, now with a bump to one top corner. (Ref: N242) in stock. Price: £45.00 |
Penman (L.): The Clock Repairer's Handbook O/P. 176 pages, 301 figures, 1985. This is an excellent book that describes in detail how to find and assess a clock's mechanical problems and how to fix them. The fault-finding chart is very useful as are the author's diagrams and descriptions of repair techniques. A book of great use to enthusiasts and restorers. A very good copy of the hardback edition with very good dust jacket. (Ref: K919 - E6) in stock. Price: £20.00 |
 | Penney (D.): Enamel Watch Dials: A Celebration of English Work NEW. 24 pages, illustrated, 2022. Profile No 3 in a series of booklets by David Penney. The manufacture and use of vitreous enamel dials on English pocket watches started in the late 17th century and became the norm in the 18th century. This book describes the production methods and the changing designs from 1725 to 1930 and mentions the makers - the Willis family, Mathews, Weston, Marnham and Clarke. Card covers. (Ref: N5183) in stock. Price: £15.00 |
 | Penney (D.): English Wristwatches: The Untold Story NEW. 24 pages, illustrated, 2021. Profile No 2 in a series of booklets by David Penney. A very good account of the early history of the development of the wristwatch, starting with leather converters to hold a small fob watch, followed by watches with added lugs to take a one-piece strap, then the wristwatch more or less as we know it today. The wristwatch concept was invented in England in the 1870's and this book includes watches by Rotherhams, Nicole Nielson, J. W. Benson, W. H. Williamson and the Lancashire Watch Company (LW Co watches were cased up for the wrist after the firm went bankrupt in 1910). Card covers. (Ref: N5164) in stock. Price: £15.00 |