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Combridge (J.H.): The Celestial Balance - A Practical Reconstruction
O/P. 6 pages, 5 figs., 1962. Reprint of an article on the reconstruction of a medieval Chinese clock known only from Su Sung's manuscript of 1172. Paper covers, now dust stained. (Ref: K3554 - BX11)

Price: £1.00

Conover (S.G.): How to Repair Herschede Tubular Bell Clocks
O/P. 70 pages, 44 figures,1986. A very useful book for owners and repairers of these well known clocks. A very good copy. Card covers. (Ref: K2907 - BX14)

Price: £25.00

Conservatoire National des Arts et et Métiers: Catalogue Du Musée - section K - Poids et Mesures Métrologie
O/P. 222 pages, 56 figs., 1941. A detailed catalogue of the weights, measures and measuring instruments in this famous Parisian museum. Good copy (paper covering to spine worn and a bit loose), card covers. [French language] (Ref: K3801 - M1)

Price: £4.00

Frédérique Constant: Collection 2010, 2011
O/P. 159 pages, illusrated, 2010. A very smart publicity brochure for the Geneva based Swiss watchmakers Frédérique Constant, detailing their range of wristwatches. Very good copy, card covers.
(Ref: K5130 - N1)

Price: £5.00

Coole (P.G.) & Neumann (E.): The Orpheus Clocks
O/P. 164 pages, 85 b&w plates, 1972. A detailed description of nine superb 16th century table clocks, the gilt cases each with a cast representation of Orpheus charming the animals. A very good copy with good dust jacket. (Ref: K554 - P2)

Price: £15.00

Coole (P.G.) & Newmann (E.): The Orpheus Clocks
O/P. 164 pages, 85 b&w plates, published in 1972. A detailed description of nine superb 16th century table clocks, the gilt cases each with a cast representation of Orpheus charming the animals. Good copy, the dust jacket with one small tear. (Ref: K82 - F2)

Price: £10.00

Cotthem (T.H. van): 200 Jaar Antieke Barometers 1670 - 1870
O/P. 179 pages, illustrated, 1977. A good book on Dutch and English barometers with a list of makers. Very good copy with good dust jacket. [Dutch language] (Ref: K4780 - Q1)

Price: £10.00

[Council of Industrial Design]: Book J - Clocks and Watches
O/P. 4 pages, 12 plates. Probably 1950's. A design portfolio prepared by the Council of Industrial Design, London. The b&w plates each illustrate one clock and the descriptions are on a perforated sheet, so the plates were probably produced as an educational tool. The illustrations include Wells Cathedral Clock (the dial), a Jeffrey Bailey lantern clock, a longcase clock by Ahasueras Fromanteel, a Thomas Tompion bracket clock and John Harrison's marine timekeeper (H4). Good copy, corners a little worn, card covers, page size 45cm x 35 cm. (Ref: K3485)

Price: £10.00

Cowham (M.): A Dial In Your Poke (1st edition)

Cowham (M.): A Dial In Your Poke
NEW. 212 pages, well illustrated in colour, 1st edition, 2004. A good book about pocket sundials of all types with detailed explanations of how to use them. The book has useful appendices on caring for dials, fakes, magnetic deviation and museums with sundial collections. In case you are wondering 'he drew a dial from his poke' is a quotation from Shakespeare. With dust jacket. New copies, found in box at back of storeroom. (Ref: N417)

Price: £20.00

Cowham (M.): A Dial In Your Poke
O/P. 212 pages, well illustrated in colour, 1st edition, 2004. A good book about pocket sundials of all types with detailed explanations of how to use them. The book has useful appendices on caring for dials, fakes, magnetic deviation and museums with sundial collections. In case you are wondering 'he drew a dial from his poke' is a quotation from Shakespeare. A fine copy with very good jacket.

* Was £15.00, now on special offer at £10.00 *

(Ref: K417 - P1)

Price: £10.00

Craven (M.): John Whitehurst: Innovator, Scientist, Geologist and Clockmaker

Craven (M.): John Whitehurst: Innovator, Scientist, Geologist and Clockmaker
NEW. 288 pages, illustrated, 2015. The author's previous book on Whitehurst is long out of print, so this new book with up to date information is most welcome. Whitehurst of Derby was a very talented man - instrument maker, mechanical engineer, clockmaker, the father of modern geology, and a member of the Royal Society. The book has very detailed information on the clockmaking activities of John Whitehurst and his successors. With dust jacket. (Ref: N3465)

Price: £30.00
Craven (M.A.J.B.): John Whitehurst of Derby: Clockmaker & Scientist 1713 - 88

Craven (M.A.J.B.): John Whitehurst of Derby: Clockmaker & Scientist 1713 - 88
O/P. 272 pages, illus., 1996. A delightful biography of the famous instrument maker, engineer and clockmaker who became a member of the Royal Society. The second half of the book concentrates on the clockmaking activities of John Whitehurst and his successors to 1857 and beyond. Now scarce. A very good copy (bookplate inside front cover) with good dust jacket. (Ref: K623 - G2)

Price: £65.00

Creese (H. & Co.): The Electro-Gravity Clock Wheel
O/P. 16 pages, figs., no date. A small sales brochure advertising H. Creese & Co.'s patented method of using an electro-gravity clock wheel to drive existing clocks instead of weights or a spring. As the brochure states Why buy electric clocks when you can have your own electrified at a very small cost. The UK patent is dated 1909 so this brochure must date from the 1910's. Good copy, one page torn and repaired, paper covers now worn. (Ref: K4753 - BX10)

Price: £5.00

Crom (T.R.): Horological and Other  Shop Tools 1700 to 1900

Crom (T.R.): Horological and Other Shop Tools 1700 to 1900
O/P. 388 pages, 754 figs, 1987. This book is a supplement and companion volume to Horological Shop Tools with more information on tools and tool makers including reprints of catalogues by Swiss, English and American makers. Unused copy (old stock) recently released by publisher, in fine condition.

* Automatic 10% discount at the checkout on this book *

(Ref: K2102)

Price: £195.00
Crom (T.R.): Horological and Other Shop Tools 1700 to 1900

Crom (T.R.): Horological and Other Shop Tools 1700 to 1900
O/P. 388 pages, 754 figs, 1987. This book is a supplement and companion volume to Horological Shop Tools with more information on tools and tool makers including reprints of catalogues by Swiss, English and American makers. A near fine copy, but with one lightly bruised corner.

* Automatic 10% discount at the checkout on this book *

(Ref: K1868 - A3)

Price: £150.00
Crom (T.R.): Horological Wheel Cutting Engines 1700 to 1900

Crom (T.R.): Horological Wheel Cutting Engines 1700 to 1900
O/P. 150 pages, 142 figs., 2nd impression, 1976. A well researched and comprehensive study of English, European and American wheel cutting engines. The book includes engines for cutting clock and watch wheels. The hardback edition. A very good copy but a few pages at each end of the book lightly foxed, bookplate on front endpaper. (Ref: K347 - E2)

Price: £65.00

Crum (E.G.) & Keller (W.F.): 150 Years of Electric Horology
O/P. 101 pages, illustrated, 1992. A book produced for a NAWCC exhibit, with details of a wide variety of electric clocks from Alexander Bain to the atomic clock era, plus a few watches. Good copy, card covers.

* Was £15.00, now on special offer at £5.00 *

(Ref: K2737 - H3)

Price: £5.00

Cuchet-Albaret (E.): Au Tic-Tac des Montres a Clef: Le Cabotinier Poète Paul Tavan La Genève Horlogère de 1750 A 1850
O/P. 254 pages, 17 plates, 1950. The book is about the Geneva watchmaker and poet Paul Tavan and the Tavan watchmaking dynasty from 1750 to 1850. A good copy, the spine very worn, card covers. [French language] (Ref: K3086 - J1)

Price: £10.00

Cumhaill (P.W.): Investing in Clocks & Watches
O/P. 159 pages, illustrated, the 1971 reprint of a book first published in 1967. A useful introduction to the subject but the prices are obviously totally out of date! Good internally but spine and rear cover faded, no dust jacket. (Ref: K479 - G1)

Price: £5.00

Cumhaill (P.W.): Investing in Clocks & Watches
O/P. 159 pages, illus., reprinted 1970. A useful introduction to the subject but the prices are obviously totally out of date! Good copy with dust jacket. (Ref: K84 - G1)

Price: £5.00

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