American Clocks & Watches

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Hoopes (P.R.): Shop Records of Daniel Burnap Clockmaker
O/P. 188 pages, illustrated, number 814 of 1000 copies printed, 1958. Daniel Burnap worked in East Windsor, Connecticut from about 1779 to 1805. Burnap is one of the few clockmakers whose records still exist so this book gives a good insight into the life and times of a successful late 18th century American clockmaker. A good copy with one bruised corner. (Ref: KW1552 - B2)

Price: £40.00

[lllinois Watch Company]: Illinois Watches and their Makers
O/P. [52 pages], illustrated, reprinted 1999. A reprint of a booklet issued by the Illinois Watch Company circa 1920 which reproduced talks, articles and letters which appeared in the factory newsletter and advertising literature. A very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K2728 - M1)

Price: £9.00

Katra (J.R.): Clockmakers & Clockmaking in Southern Maine 1770 - 1870
O/P. 80 pages, 159 illus., 1989. The first half concentrates on clocks made in the Portland and Brunswick region, the second part studies the clocks of the Alfred and Berwick area including the Quaker clockmakers who used iron movement plates. Very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K3054 - BX13)

Price: £10.00

Muir (W.) & Kraus (B.): Marion - A History of The United States Watch Company
O/P. 216 pages, 255 illus., 1st edition, 1985. Limited edition of 2000 copies. A comprehensive and well researched history of the United States Watch Company of Marion, New Jersey and their watches. Fine copy with very good dust jacket. (Ref: K3240 - W3)

Price: £25.00

O'Malley (M.): Keeping Watch - A History of American Time
O/P. 384 pages, illus., reprinted 1996. A crucial part of the development of America from a rural to a modern industrial society was the introduction of accurate timekeeping and standard time. The author argues that this was a momentous development leading to the harsh ethic of punctuality and an unprecedented degree of labour regimentation. Good copy, paperback. (Ref: K3506 - T1)

Price: £9.00

Owen (George B. & Co.): Illustrated Catalogue of Geo. B. Owen Clocks (1878)
O/P. 48 pages, illustrated, 2002. A facsimile of a priced clock catalogue issued in 1878 by George B. Owen & Company of Winsted, Connecticut. With a 6 page biography, and a photograph, of Owen taken in 1898. A very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K4196 - BX9)

Price: £5.00

Palmer (B.): A Treasury of American Clocks
O/P. 371 pages, 558 illustrations, 1967. A good, well illustrated survey to a wide range of American clocks. The book also includes a list of over 6,000 American clockmakers. A good copy with worn dust jacket. (Ref: K235 - Q2)

Price: £15.00

Palmer (B.): The Book of American Clocks
O/P. 318 pages, 312 illustrations, 12th printing, 1974. A pictorial survey of American clocks and a few watches, plus a list of over 6000 American clock and watch makers. A very good copy, the dust jacket now a little worn. (Ref: K1387 - H6)

Price: £10.00

Roberts (D.): Continental and American Skeleton Clocks

Roberts (D.): Continental and American Skeleton Clocks
NEW. 247 pages, well illustrated, 1989. A good book about European and American skeleton clocks. This and Roberts' book Skeleton Clocks, Britain 1800 - 1914 are the definitive works about this type of clock. With dust jacket. (Ref: N255)

Price: £69.99

Roberts (K.D.): The Contributions of Joseph Ives to Connecticut Clock Technology 1810 - 1862
O/P. 338 pages, 102 figures, 1st edition 1970. An important and well researched study of the important developments in clockmaking, achieved during the first half of the 19th century, by Joseph Ives and his contemporaries in Bristol, Connecticut. A fine copy, the dust jacket very good with one small tear. (Ref: K1536 - Z3)

Price: £35.00

Robinson (R.W.) & Burt (H.B.): The Willard House and Clock Museum and The Willard Family Clockmakers
O/P. 262 pages, over 370 illustrations, 1996. A detailed description of the most complete collection of Willard clocks in existence and the history of the property (now the museum) where the Willard brothers learned and practiced their trade. Fine copy with fine dust jacket. (Ref: K2925 - M3)

Price: £30.00

Rogers (R.M.) : Trumbull County Clock Industry, 1812 - 1835
O/P. 52 pages, illustrated, 1991. A detailed, well researched account of the clockmakers of Trumbull County, Ohio who make wooden movements for longcase and shelf clocks. A fine copy, card covers. (Ref: K3635 - H1)

Price: £15.00

Seth Thomas Clocks: Seth Thomas Clocks for 1939
O/P. 24 pages, illustrated, 1995. A facsimile reprint of a catalogue of Seth Thomas clocks, first issued in 1938. The items include key wound spring-driven clocks and self-starting electric models. Very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K4992 - W3)

Price: £9.00

Sposato (K.A.): The Dictionary of American Clock and Watch Makers
O/P. 190 pages, 1983. A list of American makers with location and dates, together with cross references to other sources of information (including photographs) to the maker and his work. Good copy with good dust jacket. (Ref: K3239 - W3)

Price: £15.00

Swedberg (R.W.) & Swedberg (H.): Encyclopedia of Antique American Clocks
O/P. 335 pages, 16 pages of colour & numerous b&w illustrations, 2001. A good introduction to the wide variety of American clocks available. Large format paperback, a very good copy. Card covers. (Ref: K2409 - A3)

Price: £10.00

Tyler (E.J.): American Clocks for the Collector
O/P. 209 pages, illustrated, 1981. A very good introduction to the wealth of affordable American clocks still to be found in America and Europe. 209 pages, illustrated, 1981. A very good copy with dust jacket. (Ref: K373 - H4)

Price: £10.00

Waltham Clock Company: Hall Clocks, Regulators, Bank and Balcony Clocks...
O/P. 20 pages, illustrated, no date. A 1980's (?) facsimile reprint of a Waltham Clock Company Catalogue of 1906 for 'Hall Clocks, Regulators, Bank and Balcony Clocks, Willard Banjo Clocks, Office, Depot and School Clocks'. Good copy, card covers. (Ref: K4987 - BX12)

Price: £5.00

Waterbury Clock Co.: Illustrated Catalogue of Clocks, Regulators, and Calendars, ..
O/P. 132 pages, illus., no date. A late 20th century reprint of a Waterbury Clock Company catalogue first issued in 1867. Good copy, the covers now a little marked. (Ref: K2998 - BX8)

Price: £5.00

Welch Mfg. Co.: Catalogue of Superior American Clocks
O/P. 64 pages. illus., recent reprint. A facsimile reprint of an original catalogue published in 1900 by the E. N. Welch Mfg. Co. The catalogue shows wall and table clocks as well as views of their old factory (destroyed by fire in 1899) and the new factory built in 1900. A fine copy, card covers. (Ref: K2989 - BX9)

Price: £5.00

Wilkinson (T.J.): The Escapement and Train of American Watches
O/P. 378 pages, 2nd edition, [1928 but see below]. A practical and encyclopedic treatise and text book on the lever escapement and its use in American Watches. A fine copy with fine jacket. (Note: although not stated, this book is a recent reprint). (Ref: K2889 - L2)

Price: £25.00

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