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Goodison (N.): English Barometers 1680 - 1860
O/P. 388 pages, 194 plates, 2nd edition, reprinted 1985. An excellent history of domestic barometers with a listing of their makers; this is the best book on the subject. A fine copy with very good dust jacket. (Ref: K757 - G3)

Price: £45.00

Goodison (N.): Ormolu: The Work of Matthew Boulton
O/P. 398 pages, 2 colour & 174 b&w illustrations, 1st edition, 1974. The book is a comprehensive and meticulously researched account of the Soho factory between 1768 and 1782, the products and the people who bought them. The section on clock cases and watch stands is of great interest to English clock enthusiasts. With dust jacket. (Ref: K2065 - A3)

Price: £45.00

Gordon (G.): La Danza Delle Ore / Twentieth Century Wristwatches - Timeless Elegance
O/P. 356 pages, 271 illustrations, signed by author, 1989. A good general survey of wristwatches, most by the major Swiss manufacturers, produced between 1900 and 1980. A very good copy with very good dust jacket and very good slipcase. [Dual English and Italian language] (Ref: K353 - Q3)

Price: £50.00

Gordon (G.F.C.): Clockmaking Past and Present
O/P. 232 pages, 35 plates, 2nd edition, enlarged by A.V. May, 1949. This book includes sections on turret clocks and gravity escapements written by Lord Grimthorpe in Clocks, Watches & Bells. A very good copy (inscription inside front cover). (Ref: K132 - A1)

Price: £15.00

Gotteland (A.) & Camus (G.): Sundials in Paris
O/P. 29 pages, 1995. A useful guide to public sundials in Paris, translated from Cadrans Solaires de Paris by Walker and Wells for use on a British Sundial Society visit to Paris in 1995. Very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K3695 - BX11)

Price: £5.00

Gouk (P.): The Ivory Sundials of Nuremberg 1500 - 1700
O/P. 144 pages, 18 plates, 131 figures, signed by author, 1988. A comprehensive study of the Nuremberg ivory diptychs including why they are made of ivory, how they work, who made them and the market for them. The final 30 pages are a catalogue of an exhibition of 61 dials, held at Cambridge in 1988. Good copy, wear to corners, card covers. (Ref: K1952 - N2)

Price: £15.00

Gould (R.T.): Communications Old and New
O/P. 54 pages, illustrated, [ 1945 ]. Written for Cable and Wireless Ltd by Rupert T. Gould, the author of the famous book The Marine Chronometer its History and Development; the book describes many communication methods from jungle drums to television. A good clean copy but boards becoming detached. (Ref: K4923 - Q1)

Price: £10.00

Gould (R.T.): John Harrison and his Timekeepers
O/P. 22 pages, 8 plates,1958 A reprint of an article first published in 1935. A detailed account of Harrison's life and work and also of Gould's work in rescuing the clocks from further decay and putting them into working order. Good copy, staples rusted, 2 centre pages loose, card covers. (Ref: K355 - BX2)

Price: £9.00

Graf (J.): Modern Times: Timekeeping on its Way to the Present
S/H. 40 pages, illustrated, 2006. A history of clocks and timekeeping over the last 150 years from Alexander Bain's first electrical clock to the quartz and atomic clocks of more recent years. A fine copy, card covers. (Ref: K2389 - A1)

Price: £5.00

Graham (J.T.): Scales and Balances
O/P. 32 pages, illustrated, 2nd edition 1986. A useful guide to collecting scales and balances for weighing. The book includes, beam scales, balances, steelyards, counter machines, letter scales, money scales, and spring balances. Very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K5230 - BX9)

Price: £2.00

Graupmann (É.): Le Finissage de la Boite de Montre
O/P. 20 pages, 25 figs., reprinted 1989. First published in 1910 this is a practical manual on watch case finishing. Fine copy, card covers. [French language] (Ref: K3180 - Y2)

Price: £4.00

Green (A.R.): Sundials Incised Dials or Mass-Clocks
O/P. 203 pages, figs., 16 plates, 1926. This is one of the classic works on scratch dials - a study of the time-markers of medieval churches, containing descriptions, photographs, diagrams and analysis of dials, chiefly in Hampshire, but also in various other English counties. A very good copy, cloth slightly rubbed. (Ref: K1759 - G2)

Price: £25.00

Green (F.H.):  Old English Clocks

Green (F.H.): Old English Clocks
O/P. 89 pages, 51 plates, with errata slip, first edition, number 88 of 300 copies, 1931. A rare book limited to 300 copies, on handmade paper, uncut, with black leather spine and green cloth boards. A good copy, crisp and clean internally, bookplate inside front cover, the leather spine very rubbed as usual, corners bruised.

***Automatic 10% discount at the checkout on this book.***

(Ref: KW2586 - H1)

Price: £295.00
Green (F.H.):  Old English Clocks

Green (F.H.): Old English Clocks
O/P. 89 pages, 51 plates, with errata slip, first edition, this copy not numbered, 1931. A rare book limited to 300 copies, with grey cloth spine, grey cloth corners and pale grey paper covered boards. The book was printed by the St. Dominic's Press on handmade paper with deckled edges, the top edge gilt. A very good copy, bright and clean internally, covers clean and bright with gilt lettering to the spine. With poor dust jacket (wear to all edges, splitting on spine, some loss to top and bottom of spine).

***Automatic 10% discount at the checkout on this book.***

(Ref: K2598 - F1)

Price: £195.00
Green (F.H.):  Old English Clocks

Green (F.H.): Old English Clocks
O/P. 89 pages, 51 plates, number 26 of 100 copies, 1980. This reprint is almost as scarce as the 1931 original and illustrates some fine English clocks of the late 17th and early 18th centuries. Original copies are very hard to find so buy a copy of the reprint while you can! A very good copy, bookplate on ffep. (Ref: K1399 - E3)

Price: £50.00

Green (R.A.) : Jewelers Trade Cards (1800 - 1900)
O/P. 286 pages, illus., 1989. This is an Amercian publication and includes trade cards for American watch case makers as well as American clock and watch makers. Good copy. Card covers. (Ref: K3360 - X2)

Price: £5.00

Greenlaw (J.): Longcase Clocks

Greenlaw (J.): Longcase Clocks
NEW. 40 pages, well illustrated, reprinted 2005. A concise survey of the development of the longcase clock in Great Britain, with useful advice on their setting up and maintenance. Card covers. (Ref: N2190)

Price: £1.00

Greenlaw (J.): Swansea Clocks - Watch and Clockmakers of Swansea and District (Llanelli, Llandeilo, Neath)
O/P. 123 pages, illus., 1997. A comprehensive list of watch and clock makers for Swansea and neighbouring towns with notes on the development of horology in Wales. The book also has short chapters on the clockmaker's workshop and the clockmaker's apprentice. A very good copy, soft covers. (Ref: K575 - J2)

Price: £35.00

Greenwood (T.): The New Turners' & Fitters' Handbook
O/P. 160 pages, 1 folding plate, no date. The subtitle is: The New Turners' and Fitters' Handbook. Great Discoveries relating to Screw Cutting and the Lathe, establishing this work as a Standard Text Book for all time. Combined with The Original Turners' and Fitters' Handbook, which, without advertising, is now in the hands of over 50,000 engineers, and has reached the 15th edition. Also a complete explanation of what the Author believes to be the Most Perfect Lathe in the World, Which enables the Student to become an Expert Workman, and to acquire the best and simplest Methods of Calculation, by both British and Metric Measurements, Making both Lathe and Book highly adapted for Technical Schools. This was self published by the author circa 1904. A very good copy for its age, spine faded. (Ref: K2218 - BX4)

Price: £110.00

Griffiths (R.J.): Clock and Watchmaking Today
O/P. 35 pages, 12 plates, 1985. The catalogue of an exhibition held at Prescot Museum of Clock and Watchmaking, Lancashire in 1985. The exhibits, most of which are illustrated, included tourbillon watches by George Daniels and Anthony Randall. Card covers. (Ref: K1640 - BX1)

Price: £1.00

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