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Garrard (F.J.): Clock Repairing and Making
O/P. 168 pages, 120 figs., 10th impression, 1950. This well-known work was first published in 1914 and has been reprinted several times since. A very good copy. (Ref: K122 - C2)

Price: £10.00

Garrard (F.J.): Watch Repairing, Cleaning and Adjusting
O/P. 214 pages, 210 figures, 3rd edition, 1914. A practical book by a watchmaker who served an apprenticeship and worked at the bench all his life. Still in original cloth binding (now a bit loose), spine discoloured, contents good. (Ref: K123 - Z3)

Price: £10.00

Gee (B.): Francis Watkins and the Dollond Telescope Patent Controversy

Gee (B.): Francis Watkins and the Dollond Telescope Patent Controversy
NEW. 392 pages, 17 colour plates + many b&w illustrations, 2014. A well researched book on the life and work of Francis Watkins; Watkins partnership with Dollond and the telescope patent controversy; and Watkins successors - Watkins & Smith and Watkins & Hill. Another excellent book about British scientific instrument makers and their times. With dust jacket. (Ref: N3644)

Price: £60.00
Gelis (E.): L'Horlogerie Ancienne - Histoire, Décor et Technique

Gelis (E.): L'Horlogerie Ancienne - Histoire, Décor et Technique
O/P. 255 pages, 110 plates including 12 in colour, 1949. Number 1215 of 1500 copies. This book, primarily devoted to early French watches and clocks, describes and illustrates pieces from the Gelis collection given to the Toulouse Museum. A very good copy, in original binding, as issued, with card covers and dust jacket (the latter with some loss to lower spine - see photo). [French language] (Ref: K126 - F6)

Price: £45.00
Gents of Leicester: The B.P. System of Patent Silent Electric Impulse Clocks

Gents of Leicester: The B.P. System of Patent Silent Electric Impulse Clocks
NEW. 28 pages, illustrated, 2005. A reprint of the 1907 Gents of Leicester catalogue for their electric impulse clocks. The catalogue has illustrations and prices of master clocks and slaves for domestic, factory and external use. Card covers. (Ref: N795)

Price: £10.00

Gerner-Swissco: The Horophile Watch Trader February 1952
O/P. 16 pages, 1952. Gerner-Swissco, a materials supply business issued a quarterly newsletter - The Horophile. This issue for February 1952 includes editorial on the importation of spare parts, advertisements for Gerner-Swissco's tools and materials as well as classified advertisements by members of the clock and watch trades. A good copy, paper covers. (Ref: K4808 - BX3)

Price: £1.00

Ghidoni (C.) & Ribolini (G.): Pendolette Fantasia
O/P. 206 pages, illustrated, 1994. A book of unusual, and technically interesting, 20th century clocks including Atmos, solar powered, and those with complications. The illustrations are excellent. All the clocks are elegant designs by the top European makers. Very good copy with very good dust jacket. [Italian language] (Ref: K2765 - L3)

Price: £25.00

[Ghidoni (C.) & Ribolini (G.)]: Pendolette Fantasia DoveTrouvarle
O/P. 61 pages, illustrated, 1994. A companion volume to the above, produced for 8 retailers and an auctioneer who specialise in these clocks. Very good copy, card covers. [Italian language] (Ref: K2767 - C2)

Price: £15.00

Gibbs (J.W.): The Life and Death of the Ithaca Calendar Clock Company
O/P. 82 pages, illustrated, 1960. The company was founded in 1866 and was very successful in the 19th century. The company went bankrupt in 1917. Very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K3447 - BX10)

Price: £5.00

Gillett & Johnson: "Gillett" Clocks, Carillons, Bells
O/P. 43p, illus., [ 1982 ]. An interesting reprint of a 1906 Gillett & Johnson turret clock catalogue. The introduction and a new afterword outline the history of the firm and its proprietors since its foundation in 1844. Very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K1143 - BX6)

Price: £35.00

Gillgrass (A.): The Book of Big Ben
O/P. 47 pages, 17 plates, 1946. A brief history of the great clock at Westminster with some interesting old photographs and details of its survival during World War II. A good copy. (Ref: KW2518 - B2)

Price: £5.00

Giodarno (R.V.): The Discoverers' Lens - A Photographic History of the Simple Microscope 1680 - 1880

Giodarno (R.V.): The Discoverers' Lens - A Photographic History of the Simple Microscope 1680 - 1880
O/P. 299 pages, illustrated, 2012. A large format volume (23 x 33 cm) documenting the Giordano collection of 127 instruments, each one described and beautifully illustrated in colour at about natural size. This is the most complete description available of simple microscopes constructed from the beginning of the instrument in the 1600's to about 1880. A fine copy. [English and French languages]

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(Ref: K4587 - P3)

Price: £195.00

Girard-Perregaux S.A.: Quartz - Answers to Customer's Questions
O/P. 4 pages, illustrated, 1973. A publicity leaflet about the GP Quartz wristwatch and its amazing accuracy. The watch had great success in the 1972 Neuchatel Observatory Chronometric Wristwatch Contest. A very good copy, paper covers. (Ref: K4824 - BX9)

Price: £3.00

Glennie (P.) & Thrift (N.): Shaping the Day A History of Timekeeping in England and Wales 1300-1800
O/P. 456 pages, 11 b&w plates, 50 illustrations, 2009. Shaping the Day is a ground breaking study of the practice of timekeeping in England and Wales between 1300 and 1800. Drawing on many unique historical sources, ranging from personal diaries to housekeeping manuals, the authors illustrate how a particular kind of common sense about time came into being, and how it developed during this period. Many remarkable figures make their appearance, ranging from the well-known, such as Edmund Halley, Samuel Pepys, and John Harrison, to less familiar characters, including sailors, gamblers, and burglars. A fine copy with very good dust jacket of the original hardback edition. (Ref: K4015 - Z1)

Price: £30.00

[Glycine]: Sales Brochure
O/P. A sales brochure for this company's range of watches probably circa 2001. Card covers. (Ref: K1469 - BX6)

Price: £3.00

Goaman (M.): English Clocks
O/P. 119 pages, 73 plates, 1967. This book charts the development of clockmaking from the earliest times. Some of the illustrations are not to be found elsewhere. Good copy, dust jacket with some small tears. (Ref: K543 - B2)

Price: £5.00

Good (R.): Clocks an Owner's Handbook
O/P. 224 pages, illustrated, 1985. Information about the selection and purchase of a clock, its installation and care. Other chapters discuss the different types of clocks, their restoration and repair. A very good copy, good dust jacket. (Ref: K383 - Y2)

Price: £15.00

Good (R.): Keeping Time - Collecting and Caring for Clocks
O/P. 224 pages, illustrated, 1993. Information about the selection and purchase of a clock, its installation and care. Other chapters discuss the different types of clocks, their restoration and repair. A very good copy of the paperback edition. (The hardback was published in 1985 with the title Clocks - an Owner's Handbook.) (Ref: K991 - M2)

Price: £12.00

Good (R.): Victorian Clocks
O/P. 207 pages, 143 clocks illustrated and described, 1996. A good book about the best of Victorian clockmaking, previously ignored by most authors. The book has chapters on English carriage clocks, chronometers, wall, longcase, mantel and skeleton clocks, regulators, time ball & electric clocks and turret clocks. A fine copy with very good dust jacket. (Ref: K129 - H3)

Price: £25.00

Goodison (N.): English Barometers 1680 - 1860
O/P. 353 pages, 158 plates, 1st edition, 1969. The books sub-title - A History of Domestic Barometers and their Makers - is an accurate description of the contents. This book has become the standard work on barometers and everyone interested in the subject should have a copy. A very good copy with good dust jacket (wear to top and bottom of spine and corners). (Ref: K756 - R3)

Price: £35.00

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