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Naas (R.): Watches International 2007
O/P. 592 pages, illustrated, 2007. An American annual of the world's finest wristwatches, with in-depth profiles of over 70 of the world's leading brands and a technical description of their newest (i.e. in 2007) products. Very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K5171 - W3)

Price: £5.00

[Patek Philippe]: Chronograph CH 29-535 PS
O/P. 36 pages, illustrated, 2009. A book about Patek's calibre CH 29-535 PS manually wound chronograph, and wristwatch reference 7071R, their first ever ladies chronograph. Technical details of the watch and movement are included as well as the 6 new patents included in its design. A very good copy (two corners with minor damage). (Ref: K4963 - E3)

Price: £12.00

[Patek Philippe]1: Collection 2010/2011 together with Supplement 2011
O/P. 235 pages, illustrated, 2010. A large format hardback catalogue of Patek Philippe's wristwatches produced for sale in 2010/2011. The 2011 Supplement has 27 pages and card covers. A fine copy. (Ref: K2673 - H6)

Price: £10.00

Penney (D.): English Wristwatches: The Untold Story

Penney (D.): English Wristwatches: The Untold Story
NEW. 24 pages, illustrated, 2021. Profile No 2 in a series of booklets by David Penney. A very good account of the early history of the development of the wristwatch, starting with leather converters to hold a small fob watch, followed by watches with added lugs to take a one-piece strap, then the wristwatch more or less as we know it today. The wristwatch concept was invented in England in the 1870's and this book includes watches by Rotherhams, Nicole Nielson, J. W. Benson, W. H. Williamson and the Lancashire Watch Company (LW Co watches were cased up for the wrist after the firm went bankrupt in 1910). Card covers. (Ref: N5164)

Price: £15.00

[Tagheuer]: The Catalog 1999
O/P. 79 pages, illustrated, 1999. An illustrated catalogue of the Tagheuer collection of wristwatches in production in 1999. A very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K4405 - G4)

Price: £5.00

Timex: Time Through The Ages
O/P. 32 pages, illustrated, no date. A brief history of the development of timekeeping produced by Timex to promote sales of their wristwatches, probably in the 1960's. Card covers. (Ref: K1485 - BX1)

Price: £5.00

Towson Watch Company: Mechanical Treasures
O/P. A publicity brochure, circa 2008, for the wristwatches manufactures in America by the Towson Watch Company using Swiss parts. With price list in US dollars. Fine copy, card covers. (Ref: K5113 - J1)

Price: £1.00

Tutima: Sales Brochures
O/P. Two sales brochures for this German watch brand dated 199 and 2001, the latter with price list. Card covers. (Ref: K1489 - BX7)

Price: £2.00

Vermeij (K.) & Rijn (L. van): Early Swiss Wristwatches and their Manufacturers 1910 - 1930 - A Research into the 13-ligne Lever Escapement Movement

Vermeij (K.) & Rijn (L. van): Early Swiss Wristwatches and their Manufacturers 1910 - 1930 - A Research into the 13-ligne Lever Escapement Movement
NEW. 274 pages, illustrated, 2014. This book has two main sections, the first about the manufacturers, their cases and movements; the second a detailed database of researched movements including photographs, details and measurements. This book will be a valuable research tool for enthusiasts of early Swiss wristwatches. (Ref: N3560)

Price: £45.00

Zagoory (J.): A Time to Watch - the Wrist Watch as Art: The Classic, Rare, Extraordinary
O/P. 200 pages, profusely illustrated mostly in colour, 1985. The watches, mostly Swiss, are all beautifully photographed in artistic settings. Brief notes on each watch and brief biographies of the makers are also included. Good copy with good dust jacket. (Ref: K618 - H1)

Price: £25.00

[Zenith]: The Collection
O/P. 120 pages, illustrated. A deluxe hardback catalogue published circa 2001 to promote sales of Zenith watches. The illustrations are mostly of wristwatches with a few pocket watches and one marine chronometer. A very good copy of the English language edition. (Ref: K825 - H3)

Price: £10.00

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