Practical Books

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De Carle (D.): The Watchmaker’s and Model Engineer’s Lathe - a User’s Manual

De Carle (D.): The Watchmaker’s and Model Engineer’s Lathe – a User’s Manual
NEW. 238 pages, 73 plates, 229 figures, 6th edition, reprinted 2022. This edition of this well known work was revised by Eric Redstall. This book is the standard work on the subject and is a comprehensive survey of lathes and lathe accessories worldwide. The book also has a list of lathe and tool stockists in Great Britain and the U.S.A. With dust jacket. (Ref: N2308)

Price: £20.00
Dzik (W.H.): Beneath the Dial: English Clock Pull Repeat Striking, 1675-1725

Dzik (W.H.): Beneath the Dial: English Clock Pull Repeat Striking, 1675-1725
NEW. 589 pages, circa 1000 illustrations, 2023. Beneath the Dial is the first book in almost 40 years devoted to pull repeat striking in early English clocks. The book is divided into two parts - part 1 reviews the origins of pull repeat striking during the last quarter of the 17th century; part 2 presents a detailed illustrated Atlas which categorizes pull quarter strike designs for over 200 clocks and timepieces produced between 1675 and 1725. The book includes expert technical contributions by Roger Still, an experienced clock restorer. (Ref: N5200)

Price: £99.00

Fried (H.B.): The Electric Watch Repair Manual
O/P. 216 pages, figs., 1st edition, 1965. The book's subtitle - A complete Manual on the Repair of Electric Watches and Battery driven Clocks - describes the book well. Good copy, the card covers a little worn. (Ref: K2888 - C2)

Price: £15.00

Garrard (F.J.): Watch Repairing, Cleaning and Adjusting
O/P. 214 pages, 210 figures, 3rd edition, 1914. A practical book by a watchmaker who served an apprenticeship and worked at the bench all his life. Still in original cloth binding (now a bit loose), spine discoloured, contents good. (Ref: K123 - Z3)

Price: £10.00

Hasluck (P.N.): The Mechanic's Workshop Handybook
O/P. 136 pages, 8th edition, 1911. A practical manual of information of use to the enthusiast in his workshop. Spine very worn, front cover partly detached. (Ref: K3498 - W1)

Price: £5.00

Higginbotham (C.): Precision Time Measures their Construction and Repair
O/P. 345 pages, 211 figs., reprinted 1952. A manual on the theory and mechanical laws governing the construction of timekeeping machines and accepted methods of their maintenance and repair. The author was a well respected craftsman; he was master watchmaker with the Hampden Watch Company then superintendent with the Seth Thomas Watch Company, the Illinois Watch Company and the South Bend Watch Company. The first edition was published in 1913. A fine copy. (Ref: K1586 - S1)

Price: £20.00

Holtzapffel (J.J.): Hand or Simple Turning Principles and Practice
O/P. 592 pages, 1976 hardback reprint of volume 4 of Turning and Mechanical Manipulation. Good copy with good dust jacket, the latter faded on the spine. (Ref: K1156 - H3)

Price: £15.00

Jenkins (G.) & Bear (M.): Sundials & Timedials
O/P. 8 pages of instructions and 15 sheets of A4 printed card for cutting out and making into 9 models. Published in 1987. Models include a nocturnal, two-sided equatorial sundial, a polar sundial and a solar compass. Very good copy card covers. (Ref: K908 - H4)

Price: £7.00

[Jewellers' Circular Publishing Co.]: Workshop Notes for Jewelers & Watchmakers
O/P. 222 pages, reprinted 1996. This is a modern reprint of a book first published in 1892 which itself was a collection of articles which first appeared in the American The Jewelers' Circular from 1870 onwards. There are articles on watch repairing, clock repairing, the treatment of gold and silver as well as a good index. Good copy, card covers. (Ref: K1574 - H6)

Price: £5.00

Jürgensen (U.): Die höhere Uhrmacherkunst
O/P. 375 pages, portrait, 23 plates, reprinted 1980. First published in 1846 the book was edited by Louis Urban Jürgensen (Urban's son), based in the second French edition with amendments and additions, and a biography of Urban Jürgensen (1776 - 1830). The full title translates as "The higher art of watchmaking. Rules for the precise measurement of time by clocks, or instructions for the manufacture of astronomical, nautical and other precise clocks". A very good copy with good dust jacket. [German language] (Ref: K5139 - Y3)

Price: £15.00

[Lukin (J.)]: The Amateur Mechanic's Workshop
O/P. 148 pages, 2 folding plates, 168 figures, 1st edition, 1870. A treatise containing plain and concise directions for the manipulation of wood and metals including casting, forging, brazing, soldering and carpentry. A good copy (spine a little worn). (Ref: K3505 - G2)

Price: £10.00

[Lukin (J.)]: The Amateur Mechanic's Workshop
O/P. 148 pages, 2 folding plates, 168 figures, 7th edition, 1888. A treatise containing plain and concise directions for the manipulation of wood and metals including casting, forging, brazing, soldering and carpentry. A good copy (4cm split to cloth on spine). (Ref: K3500 - X2)

Price: £5.00

Miles (R.H.A.) & Ridout (M.): Brillié Electric Clocks

Miles (R.H.A.) & Ridout (M.): Brillié Electric Clocks
NEW. [98 pages], illustrated, 2007. This book published by the AHS's Electrical Horology Group is an English translation of several original French product catalogues, installation and set up notes, and a fault-finding guide. The catalogues cover a wide range of Brillié clocks and the notes on operation, installation and fault finding will be of use to restorers. Soft covers. (Ref: N1427)

Price: £15.00

Monk (S.C.): The Essence of Clock Repair
O/P. 193 pages, illus., 1983. An American publication by a well respected clockmaker, this book studies over 50 types of clock and their repair. Very good copy with good dust jacket. (Ref: K1183 - G7)

Price: £15.00

Penman (L.): Practical Clock Escapements

Penman (L.): Practical Clock Escapements
NEW. 248 pages, well illustrated, reprinted 2002. An excellent book for the practical enthusiast. The book is comprehensive in its treatment of virtually all escapements including platform escapements on carriage clocks. Useful chapters on pendulum suspensions and pendulums are also included. With dust jacket. Please note: this is old stock, still in publisher's shrink wrap, now with a bump to one top corner. (Ref: N242)

Price: £45.00

Phillips (E.): Treatise on the Balance Spring
O/P. 102 pages, figs., 1978. A translation into English, by J. D. Weaver, of the works by Edouard Phillips on the isochronism of balance springs and pendulums. The original French articles are fairly inaccessible so this work is very useful and now hard to find. Good copy, card covers, ring bound. (Ref: K2499 - F4)

Price: £25.00

Robinson (T.R.): Modern Watch Repairing and Adjusting
O/P. 118 pages, 123 figures, 1st edition, not dated but early 1930's. Useful chapters on watch repairing written by a Swiss expert with additional chapters by Robinson. With remains of dust jacket. (Ref: K720 - C2)

Price: £10.00

Rudolph (J.S.): Make Your Own Working Paper Clock
O/P. 40 pages, illustrated, 1983. The preface, by Isaac Asimov, is followed by instructions and pages of thick card which when cut out and assembled make a working weight-driven pendulum wall clock - all you need to complete the clock is wire (for the arbors), glue, string and sand (for the weight). Have fun! Very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K3819 - L3)

Price: £7.00

Schreiber (E.): Vollständiges handbuch der Uhrmacherkunst,: Vollständiges handbuch der Uhrmacherkunst,
O/P. 596 pages, 3rd edition, 1860. The atlas of 21 plates is missing. A complete manual of watchmaking. A good copy internally, bound in half leather with marbled paper covered boards, front board almost detached, rear board very loose. [German language] (Ref: K5138 - W2)

Price: £10.00

Schulz (W.): Der Uhrmacher am Werktisch: Hand- und Nachschlagebuch für den Taschenuhren-Reparateur
O/P. 401 pages, 310 figs., 5 folding plates, 1908. A detailed manual and reference book for the pocket watch repairer. Very good copy, very minor foxing, skillfully rebound with original cloth laid down. [German language] (Ref: K3136 - P2)

Price: £25.00

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