Pocket Watches

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[Sotheby's]: An Important Collection of Gold Snuff Boxes, Watches and Objects of Vertu, The Property of Sir A. Chester Beatty Parts 1 & 2
O/P. 2 catalogues, a two part sale, 341 lots in total, many illustrated some in colour. Very good copies, card covers. [Sale @ London 03/12/1962 & 17/06/1963] (Ref: A304)

Price: £10.00

[Sotheby's]: Ten Important Watches and a Timekeeper the property of Lady Prestige
O/P. 12 lots, some illustrated. Eight fine pocket watches by Breguet, the others by Josiah Emery, Grignion & Son' and James Ferguson Cole. The 'Mudge' timekeeper by Pennington, Penlington & others. All lots illustrated. Very good copy, card covers. [Sale @ London 22/04/1963] (Ref: A473)

Price: £5.00

[Sotheby's]: Watches the Property of Dr J. Bruce Williamson, M.A.
O/P. 195 lots, some illustrated. French and English pocket watches including chronometers by Barraud and Arnold & Son. Good copy, a few annotations in text, card covers. [Sale @ London 27/11/1980] (Ref: A307)

Price: £5.00

Thompson (D.): The British Museum Watches

Thompson (D.): The British Museum Watches
NEW. 175 pages, 270 illustrations, paperback edition, reprinted 2018. A book telling the story of the watch, describing and illustrating 77 watches selected from the magnificent collection of watches held by The British Museum. The earliest example was made circa 1560, the latest in 2007. Each watch is illustrated in colour with excellent photographs of dial, movement and case. Card covers. The book is now out of print, these copies are old stock with minor shelf wear to covers. (Ref: N3681)

Price: £19.50

Townsend (G.E.): Almost Everything You Wanted to Know About American Watches and Didn't Know Who to Ask
O/P. 86 pages, illustrated, 1971. A very useful guide to the collecting and identification of American watch movements made before 1900. The book has line drawings of many movements and information about most of the American companies with model numbers, serial numbers, etc. A very good copy (owners name and stamp on ffep), card covers. (Ref: K1365 - BX1)

Price: £20.00

[Waltham Watch Co.]: Waltham Watch Papers volumes I & II
O/P. 31 + 29 pages, no date (1970's ?). In 1862 the Waltham Watch Company commenced issuing technical papers original published elsewhere. Volume 1 is a reprint of Charles Frodsham's On the Laws of Isochronism of the Balance Spring, …"; volume 2 contains items on Compensation of the Balance, Effect of Magnetism on Time-Pieces, The Chronometer and its Adjustment and Watch Jewelling. Very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K4983 - BX11)

Price: £10.00

Wetzel (C.): Prix Courant 1899
O/P. 40 pages, illus., 1899. A priced catalogue of pocket watches issued by Charles Wetzel, Morteau, Doubs, France. A good copy for its age, most pages with coffee stain, paper covers worn and stained. [French language] (Ref: K3338 - BX17)

Price: £15.00

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