European Clocks

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Kaltenböck (F.): Viennese Timepieces

Kaltenböck (F.): Viennese Timepieces
NEW. 263 pages, 527 illustrations, 1993. A comprehensive description of clock and watch production in Vienna from the 17th century up to the second half of the 19th century. The book, which has excellent photographs, has chapters on watches, zappler clocks, bracket clocks, wall clocks, longcase clocks, and a listing of Viennese clock and watch makers. For collectors of true Viennese regulators this is the best book on the subject. With dust jacket and slipcase.

* Was £19.50, now on special offer at only £10.00 *

(Ref: N424)

Price: £10.00
Leeuwen (P. van) et al: Going Dutch The Invention of the Pendulum Clock

Leeuwen (P. van) (editor): Going Dutch The Invention of the Pendulum Clock
NEW. 75 pages, illustrated, 2013. The proceedings of a symposium, organised by the Dutch Clock and Watch Museum, held at Teylers Museum, Haarlem in 2011. The seven lectures are all in the English language, two additional papers about the history of the Museum are in Dutch. An interesting work on Christiaan Huygens and the invention of the pendulum clock. Card covers. (Ref: N3486)

Price: £14.00

Leopold (J.H.): Christiaan Huygens and his Instrument Makers
O/P. pages 221 - 233, 3 figs., 1979. An offprint of a paper presented at a symposium on the Life and Work of Christiaan Huygens held in Amsterdam in 1979. Huygens had clocks made by Salomon Coster, Severyn Oosterwijk, Isaac Thuret, Johannes van Ceulen and others. Very good copy, paper covers. (Ref: K2604 - BX8)

Price: £15.00

Leopold (J.H.): The Almanus Manuscript
O/P. 306 pages, illustrations and descriptions of 30 clocks, 1971. This book reproduces and translates the manuscript written in 1475, of Brother Paulus Almanus. He was entrusted with care of the clocks in Rome and made elaborate notes on the clocks he considered interesting. A good copy (edges to page block a little stained) with good dust jacket. (Ref: K660 - F1)

Price: £15.00

Maitzner (F.) & Moreau (J.): La Comtoise, La Morbier, La Morez - Histoire - Technique

Maitzner (F.) & Moreau (J.): La Comtoise, La Morbier, La Morez - Histoire - Technique
O/P. 449 pages, 22 colour plates, 474 b&w photographs, 5th edition, 1985. A very good book about the clocks from the Franche-Comté region of eastern France near the Swiss border. The book opens with a history of Comtoise clocks and their development with details of escapements and striking mechanisms. Many different mechanisms, from many periods, are described and illustrated which will be of great help to restorers. The book concludes with a detailed listing of Franche-Comté makers, a guide to dating clocks from their features and a bibliography. A very good copy. [French language]

***Automatic 10% discount at the checkout on this book.***

(Ref: K2706 - F1)

Price: £125.00
Miles (R.H.A.) & Ridout (M.): Brillié Electric Clocks

Miles (R.H.A.) & Ridout (M.): Brillié Electric Clocks
NEW. [98 pages], illustrated, 2007. This book published by the AHS's Electrical Horology Group is an English translation of several original French product catalogues, installation and set up notes, and a fault-finding guide. The catalogues cover a wide range of Brillié clocks and the notes on operation, installation and fault finding will be of use to restorers. Soft covers. (Ref: N1427)

Price: £15.00
Miller (J.J.): Rare and Unusual Black Forest Clocks

Miller (J.J.): Rare and Unusual Black Forest Clocks
NEW. 304 pages, 721 colour illustrations, 2012. A well illustrated new book about the rarer and more unusual Black Forest clocks - small or musical or with automata or with other complications. The appendices of the book are a reprint of various important original catalogues produced by Black Forest casemakers (including carvers) and clockmakers, including Johann Baptist Beha. With dust jacket. (Ref: N2719)

Price: £85.00

Morpurgo (E.): Orologiai Triestini
O/P. 7 pages, 9 figs., 1960. A paper on clockmaking in Trieste, Italy including the hydrogen driven clock by Pasquale Andervalt. Good copy, card covers. [Italian language] (Ref: K3547 - BX12)

Price: £4.00

Mortensen (O.): Jens Olsen's Clock
O/P. 156 pages, well illustrated, 1957. A detailed description of a complex astronomical clock made betweeen 1944 and 1955. If you are in Copenhagen go and see it, it's in the Town Hall. A good copy, the dust jacket also good but a bit discouloured and with light wear to edges. (Ref: K365 - F4)

Price: £6.00

Niehüser (E.): French Bronze Clocks, 1700  - 1830  - A Study of Figural Images

Niehüser (E.): French Bronze Clocks, 1700 - 1830 - A Study of Figural Images
NEW. 267 pages, well illustrated in colour and black and white, 1999. An interesting book showing clocks with bronze figures, with the symbolism of each one explained - Gods, Heroes and Muses, Cupid and Venus, Noble Savages and Genre Scenes. The book also has a directory of 1365 documented French bronze clocks with references to the literature where more information can be found. A very useful book if you want to research your clock. With dust jacket. (Ref: N397)

Price: £80.00
Ortenburger (R.): Black Forest Clocks

Ortenburger (R.): Black Forest Clocks
NEW. 268 pages, illustrated, 1991. An excellent book covering the development of clocks made in the Black Forest over 300 years, illustrated with over 600 different examples. With dust jacket. (Ref: N232)

Price: £65.00

Riolini-Unger (A.): Friedberger Uhren - Heimatmuseum der Stadt Freidberg
O/P. 192 pages, illus., 1993. The catalogue of an exhibition of clocks and watches made in the German city of Friedberg in the 17th - 19th centuries. Good copy, card covers. [German language] (Ref: K3202 - S1)

Price: £5.00

Roberts (D.): Carriage and Other Travelling Clocks

Roberts (D.): Carriage and Other Travelling Clocks
NEW. 368 pages, well illustrated in colour and b&w, 1993. This book is just as useful as Allix's Carriage Clocks but concentrates on the more rare and more decorative items. Several of the better-known English makers each have a chapter devoted to them. A very useful reference book if you are interested in carriage clocks. With dust jacket. (Ref: N254)

Price: £90.99
Roberts (D.): Continental and American Skeleton Clocks

Roberts (D.): Continental and American Skeleton Clocks
NEW. 247 pages, well illustrated, 1989. A good book about European and American skeleton clocks. This and Roberts' book Skeleton Clocks, Britain 1800 - 1914 are the definitive works about this type of clock. With dust jacket. (Ref: N255)

Price: £69.99
Roberts (D.):  Mystery, Novelty & Fantasy Clocks

Roberts (D.): Mystery, Novelty & Fantasy Clocks
NEW. 288 pages, well illustrated, 1999. Over 300 clocks are illustrated and described with historical explanations and detailed drawings. This is another good book by Derek Roberts and includes chapters on James Cox, Robert-Houdin, Guilmet and others. With dust jacket.

***Automatic 10% discount at the checkout on this book.***

(Ref: N256)

Price: £125.00
Robey (J.): Gothic Clocks to Lantern Clocks - Short Duration Clocks & Rural Clocks 1480 - 1800

Robey (J.): Gothic Clocks to Lantern Clocks - Short Duration Clocks & Rural Clocks 1480 - 1800
NEW. 424 pages, almost 2000 colour illustrations, 2nd edition, 2024. An enlarged and revised edition of an excellent book on a neglected subject, charting the development of early domestic clocks in central Europe, Italy, France and the Low Countries, Sweden and England; and their continuation in rural areas as short duration clocks, some with iron frames, others of brass. The book has a wealth of illustrations showing the mechanical and constructional details of the clocks as well as dials and movements. The appendices include a translation of an Italian treatise on clocks (published in 1665), and details of English lantern clocks with an original balance. (Ref: N5085)

Price: £75.00
Sabrier (J.-C.): Les Horloges Lanternes françaises

Sabrier (J.-C.): Les Horloges Lanternes françaises
NEW. 112 pages, illustrated, 1988. A facsimile edition of the last 3 parts of Horlogeographie Pratique by Père Beuriot (a Benedictine Monk) first published in Rouen in 1719, together with an introduction by Sabrier and photographs of French lantern clocks. Card covers. [French language] (Ref: N3395)

Price: £10.00
Schaaf (B.): Schwarzwalduhren

Schaaf (B.): Schwarzwalduhren
NEW. 432 pages, 410 colour illustrations, 4th edition, 2008. This enlarged edition is the most comprehensive work on the history of clockmaking in the Black Forest region of Germany. The book studies clockmaking in the area from 1680 to the late 19th century and has a directory of over 3500 clockmakers names. New in this edition are chapters on Black Forest Clocks in America and clockmaking in the Erzgebirge region. [German language]

* Was £50.00, now on special offer at £30.00 *

(Ref: N2179)

Price: £30.00
Schmid (H.-H.): Lexicon der Deutschen Uhrenindustrie 1850 - 1980

Schmid (H.-H.): Lexicon der Deutschen Uhrenindustrie 1850 - 1980
NEW. 2 volumes each of 496 pages, 2nd edition, 2012. This book is the standard reference work on the German industrial watch and clock making industry, now much expanded in a second edition. The first volume is an alphabetical listing of 2360 firms with brand names, trademarks and dates etc. illustrated. The second volume gives more detailed information on 480 of the firms listed in volume 1. Also in volume 2 is an alphabetical list of all companies included, and a detailed bibliography. An essential reference work for German clock and watch enthusiasts. [German language] (Ref: N2701)

Price: £65.00
Sellink (J.L.):  Dutch Antique Domestic Clocks,  ca. 1670 - 1870 and some related examples

Sellink (J.L.): Dutch Antique Domestic Clocks, ca. 1670 - 1870 and some related examples
O/P. 367 pages, illus., copy 389 of 1000 copies, 1973. A useful, well illustrated, reference book on 200 years of Dutch clockmaking illustrated with important examples from the Oegstgeest Museum. The book includes fine Amsterdam longcase clocks as well as Hague Clocks, staartkloks and stoelkloks. This book is now hard to find. A very good copy with good dust jacket.

***Automatic 10% discount at the checkout on this book.***

(Ref: K1242 - G6)

Price: £145.00

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