 | Putelat (P.) & Gagnaire (P.): Cadrans Solaires des Alpes O/P. 96 pages, illustrated, 1993. A beautifully illustrated volume with colour photographs of 116 dials in the French and Italian Alps. A fine copy. [French language] (Ref: K4267 - Y1) in stock. Price: £8.00 |
 | Putelat (P.) & Tournesol (A.): Cadrans Solaires des Hautes-Alpes O/P. 96 pages, illustrated, 1992. A beautifully illustrated volume with colour photographs of 89 dials in the high Alps. A fine copy. [French language] (Ref: K4268 - K1) in stock. Price: £8.00 |
Roiz (P.): Libro de Reloges Solares O/P. 124 pages, figs., facsimile reprint, 1985. Originally published in Valencia in 1575 this is a very early treatise on dialling. Card covers. [Spanish language] (Ref: K3168 - BX16) in stock. Price: £15.00 |
 | Savoie (D.): Sundials - Design, Construction, and Use NEW. 181 pages, illustrated, 2009. Originally published in French as Les cadrans solaires this is an excellent book on how to construct equatorial, horizontal, vertical, polar, horizontal analemmatic, and altitude sundials. The book also has a chapter on sundials in the tropics - a subject most books ignore. Card covers. (Ref: N2531) in stock. Price: £19.99 |
 | Somerville (A. R.): The Ancient Sundials of Scotland NEW. [36 pages], 17 illustrations, plus 104 page catalogue of Scottish sundials, 1994. This interesting book reprints a paper, which originally appeared in a learned journal, detailing the 'Renaissance' sundials in Scotland. The dials date from the 17th and early 18th centuries and are free standing stone sculptures; the list includes examples still in existence as well as those known only from records. The catalogue describes each dial and gives its location. Card covers. (Ref: N1303) in stock. Price: £11.00 |
 | Stanier (M.): Oxford Sundials NEW. 40 pages, 24 colour plates, 2nd edition, 2003. Descriptions of many of the sundials in Oxford, with a location map. Many of the dials are located in the Colleges. Card covers. (Ref: N1807) in stock. Price: £10.00 |
Stanier (M.): Oxford Sundials O/P. 32 pages, 20 colour plates, 1st edition, no date. Descriptions of many of the sundials in Oxford, mostly located in the Colleges. Very good condition, card covers. (Ref: K2068 - X2) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Stoneman (M.): Easy-to-Make Wooden Sundials O/P. 38 pages, illus., 1982. Instructions and plans for making 5 different sundials with instructions for setting up and converting solar time to mean time. Good copy. Card covers. (Ref: K3217 - BX16) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Sundial Scrapbook: Sundial Scrapbook O/P. 40 blank pages (of thin card) for use as a scrap book - ideal for storing your sundial photos or for writing your memoirs. The card covers are colour printed with four pictures of sundials. Fine condition. (Ref: K3751 - R2) in stock. Price: £5.00 |