 | Banfield (E.): Antique Barometers: An Illustrated Survey NEW. 149 pages, illustrated, 2nd edition, 2008. An enlarged edition which is a comprehensive introduction to the English domestic barometer. Card covers. (Ref: N19) in stock. Price: £9.95 |
 | Banfield (E.): Barometer Makers and Retailers 1660 - 1900 NEW. 246 pages, a few illustrations, 2000. A very useful listing of barometer makers and reailers. Also useful for dating Victorian clocks and scientific instruments sold by the same retailers after 1850. Soft covers. (Ref: N20) in stock. Price: £9.95 |
 | Banfield (E.): Barometers - Aneroid and Barographs NEW. 151 pages, 130 illus., reprinted 1996. The history of domestic, marine and mountain barometers, barographs, storm glasses, and weather houses. With dust jacket. (Ref: N21) in stock. Price: £11.95 |
 | Banfield (E.): Barometers - Wheel or Banjo NEW. 150 pages, 165 illustrations, 1985 reprinted 1999. The history and development of wheel barometers from 1663 to about 1900. With dust jacket. (Ref: N23) in stock. Price: £11.95 |
Banfield (E.): Barometers - Wheel or Banjo S/H. 150 pages, 165 illustrations, 1985. The history & development of wheel barometers from 1663 to about 1900. Good copy with good dust jacket. (Ref: K881 - P2) in stock. Price: £8.00 |
 | Banfield (E.): The Banfield Family Collection of Barometers NEW. 9 pages of text, 313 photographs, 14 pages of descriptions. A well illustrated survey of a large collection of barometers and barographs of all types. Each item is described and an estimate of date given. Card covers. (Ref: N426) in stock. Price: £6.95 |
 | Banfield (E.): The Italian Influence on English Barometers from 1780 NEW. 160 pages, 193 illustrations, 1993. A detailed investigation on the origins and background of the early Italian migrant barometer makers, with chapters on important makers including Negretti & Zambra. Soft covers. (Ref: N427) in stock. Price: £7.95 |
 | Bell (G.H.) & Bell (E.F.): Old English Barometers O/P. 42 pages, 40 plates, 1st and only edition, signed by authors, 1952. The first good book on barometers, still respected and now hard to find. A very good copy with good dust jacket. (Ref: K734 - E1) in stock. Price: £35.00 |
Belville (J.H.): Mid-Nineteenth Century Barometers: Being a Reprint of Manual of the Mercurial and Aneroid Barometers (1858) to which is appended The Aneroid Barometer, How to Buy it and Use it. (1849) O/P. 54 pages, 2 figs.; 32 pages, 12 figs., 1975. An interesting book for barometer and weather enthusiasts. Very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K3424 - P1) in stock. Price: £10.00 |
Clarke (T.N.), Morrison-Low (A.D.) & Simpson (A.D.C.): Brass & Glass, Scientific Instrument Making Workshops in Scotland O/P. 320 pages, illustrated, 1989. An excellent book, the result of many years of detailed research and of great use to clock enthusiasts for its chapters on the chronometer makers Alexander Dobbie, Duncan McGregor, Kelvin White, and Whyte Thomson & Co. Barometer collectors will want this book for its information about Alexander Adie and his successors including English branches of the business. Sundial enthusiasts are not forgotten, there is a chapter on Richard Melville and his slate sundials. The book's illustrations are of instruments in the Museum's Arthur Frank Collection, and this copy of the book has a presentation inscription signed by Arthur Frank on the title page. Recommended reading. A very good copy. Soft covers. (Ref: K2093 - N2) in stock. Price: £50.00 |
 | Collins (P.R.): Aneroid Barometers and Their Restoration NEW. 212 pages, illus., 1998. A very comprehensive book on pocket and wall mounted aneroid barometers from their beginnings in 1844 to the late 20th century. The book includes information on the Bourdon and Vidi designs as well as altimeter and surveying variants. With dust jacket. (Ref: N79) in stock. Price: £18.95 |
 | Collins (P.R.): Bizarre Barometers and Other Unusual Weather Forecasters NEW. 103 pages, illustrated, 2004. A fascinating collection of strange weather instruments including the weather glass, the shark oil barometer, the weather house, the Tempest Prognosticator, the use of frogs, and many, many more!! Card covers. (Ref: N429) in stock. Price: £7.95 |
 | Collins (P.R.): FitzRoy and his Barometers NEW. 144 pages, illustrated, 2007. An interesting book about Robert FitzRoy, Captain of HMS Beagle during the famous voyage with Charles Darwin, and in later life a passionate advocate of the use of the barometer to reduce fatalities at sea. The book concentrates on FitzRoy's contribution to meteorology and the barometer which bears his name. Card covers. (Ref: N1497) in stock. Price: £9.95 |
Cotthem (T.H. van): 200 Jaar Antieke Barometers 1670 - 1870 O/P. 179 pages, illustrated, 1977. A good book on Dutch and English barometers with a list of makers. Very good copy with good dust jacket. [Dutch language] (Ref: K4780 - Q1) in stock. Price: £10.00 |
Fitzroy (Rear-Admiral): (Rear-Admiral): Barometer Manual O/P. 31 pages, facsimile reprint, 2000. A reprint of the 3rd edition of Rear-Admiral Fitzroy's book for seafarers and fishermen, originally published in 1860. A very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K4282 - BX5) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Goodison (N.): English Barometers 1680 - 1860 O/P. 388 pages, 194 plates, 2nd edition, reprinted 1985. An excellent history of domestic barometers with a listing of their makers; this is the best book on the subject. A fine copy with very good dust jacket. (Ref: K757 - G3) in stock. Price: £45.00 |
Goodison (N.): English Barometers 1680 - 1860 O/P. 353 pages, 158 plates, 1st edition, 1969. The books sub-title - A History of Domestic Barometers and their Makers - is an accurate description of the contents. This book has become the standard work on barometers and everyone interested in the subject should have a copy. A very good copy with good dust jacket (wear to top and bottom of spine and corners). (Ref: K756 - R3) in stock. Price: £35.00 |
Jameson (P.R.): The Barometer as the Foot Rule of the Air O/P. 24 pages, illustrated, 1933. Published by Short & Mason Ltd., this booklet has an excellent explanation of the aneroid barometer and its use in determining altitude, together with tables for temperature correction and the effects of weather. Good copy, card covers, staples rusted. (Ref: K4286 - BX7) in stock. Price: £5.00 |
Lester (E.R.): John Kalabergo of Banbury O/P. 99 pages + 32 page facsimile Banbury directory for 1851, 1975. John Kalabergo was born in Italy and settled in Banbury making and selling barometers and repairing and selling clocks. In 1851 Kalabergo's nephew, William Kalabergo, arrived from Italy to work for him, but within 3 months John was dead - murdered by his nephew. William Kalabergo was the last person to be publicly hanged at Oxford. A very good copy of the hardback edition. (Ref: K2309 - N1) in stock. Price: £15.00 |
 | Negretti & Zambra: A Treatise on Meteorological Instruments NEW. 176 pages, reprint of a book first published in 1864. A detailed work describing the principles and construction of barometers, hygrometers, rain guages, anemometers, ozonometers and other meteorological instruments. Paperback. (Ref: N224) in stock. Price: £7.95 |