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Beeson (C.F.C.): English Church Clocks 1280 - 1850
O/P. 132 pages, 86 figures, 1st edition, 1971. The standard reference book on English church clocks, also known as turret clocks by enthusiasts and collectors. A good copy, Phillimore hardback edition, dust jacket worn. (Ref: K874 - Q1)

Price: £50.00

Beeson (C.F.C.): Perpignan 1356 - The Making of a Clock and Bell for the King's Castle
O/P. 460 pages, illus., 1982. A detailed account of the construction of the great clock and its later demise, giving an insight into life at that period. The book has facsimiles and translations of the original Catalan manuscripts which detail who built the clock and how much they were paid. A good copy with poor dust jacket. (Ref: K379 - A1)

Price: £10.00

Bell (G.H.) & Bell (E.F.):  Old English Barometers

Bell (G.H.) & Bell (E.F.): Old English Barometers
O/P. 42 pages, 40 plates, 1st and only edition, signed by authors, 1952. The first good book on barometers, still respected and now hard to find. A very good copy with good dust jacket. (Ref: K734 - E1)

Price: £35.00

Bellchambers (J.K.): Devonshire Clockmakers
O/P. 41 pages, 12 plates, 1962. The first book about Devonshire clockmakers. A very good copy (owners stamp on front cover). Card covers. (Ref: K30 - D1)

Price: £15.00

Bellchambers (J.K.): Somerset Clockmakers
O/P. 79 pages, 20 plates, folding map, 1st edition, 1968. The book has notes on famous makers as well as lists of Bristol and Somerset clockmakers. A good copy. Card covers. (Ref: K1011 - D2)

Price: £20.00

Belville (J.H.): Mid-Nineteenth Century Barometers: Being a Reprint of Manual of the Mercurial and Aneroid Barometers (1858) to which is appended The Aneroid Barometer, How to Buy it and Use it. (1849)
O/P. 54 pages, 2 figs.; 32 pages, 12 figs., 1975. An interesting book for barometer and weather enthusiasts. Very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K3424 - P1)

Price: £10.00

Bendall (S.): The Quest for the Chelsea Watchmaker
O/P. [4 pages], 2 illustrations, 1991. A short paper, contained in a report of the Chelsea Society, about Samuel Boulter (1808 - 1873), a little known London watchmaker. Good copy, card covers. (Ref: K3827 - X1)

Price: £5.00

Bender (G.): Die Uhrenmacher des hohen Schwarzwaldes und ihre Werke (2 volumes)

Bender (G.): Die Uhrenmacher des hohen Schwarzwaldes und ihre Werke (2 volumes)
O/P. Volume 1: 536 pages, 36 colour and 223 b&w illustrations, 2nd edition, 1979; volume 2: 689 pages, 24 colour and 168 b&w illustrations, 1978. An excellent and well illustrated account of Black Forest clockmakers and their work and still the definitive work on the subject. The volumes include illustrations of clocks and movements, workshop views, portraits, tools and machinery. As well as an excellent bibliography two rare works on Black Forest clockmaking are reproduced in facsimile. Both volumes in excellent condition complete with good dust jackets (vol 1 jacket with 2 small tears to bottom of spine and wear to edges, vol 2 jacket with small tear to rear) and original card slipcases. [German language]

* Automatic 10% discount at the checkout on this book.*

(Ref: K1381 - V1)

Price: £175.00
Bender (G.):  Die Uhrenmacher des hohen Schwarzwaldes und ihre Werke  (Volume 1 only)

Bender (G.): Die Uhrenmacher des hohen Schwarzwaldes und ihre Werke (Volume 1 only)
O/P. 536 pages, 36 colour and 223 b&w illustrations, folding plate, 1975. An excellent and well illustrated account of Black Forest clockmakers and their work and still the definitive work on the subject. The book includes illustrations of clocks and movements, workshop views, portraits, tools and machinery. A fine copy (owner's name on half title page), with very good dust jacket and very good slipcase. [German language] (Ref: K3119 - Q1)

Price: £35.00
Beney (D.R.): Beaminster Clocks & their Makers

Beney (D.R.): Beaminster Clocks & their Makers
NEW. 61 pages, illustrated, 1996. A useful book about the clocks and clockmakers of this Dorset town written by a Beaminster resident. New, unused copies found in a box at the back of the store room. Card covers. (Ref: N2819)

Price: £1.00

Benjamin Allen & Co.: Illustrated Catalogue 1917 (Timepiece Section)
O/P. 104 pages, illus, reprinted 1968. A reprint of the timepiece section of a catalogue issued in 1917 by Benjamin Allen & Company of Chicago. The catalogue is mainly of American pocket watches but some early wristwatches are also shown as well as some Swiss watches. Also bound in is a reprint of the 9 page watch section of a catalogue issued in 1897 by Green Brothers of New York. A useful historical record for the researcher and enthusiast. Card covers. (Ref: K1626 - BX5)

Price: £5.00

Benson (J.W.): Time and Time-Tellers
O/P. 136 pages, figs., reprinted 1902. The book starts with a brief history of timekeeping but is primarily about pocket watches, domestic clocks and turret clocks - all items made and sold by James W. Benson at his shop on Ludgate Hill, London. A good clean copy, thin card covers worn and rear cover partly detached. (Ref: K4113 - E5)

Price: £20.00

Benson Beevers (S.): Time Measurement Instruments
O/P. 15 pages, illustrated, 1958. An offprint from the Connoisseur, this is the first official catalogue of the John Gershom Parkington Memorial Collection of clocks, watches and sundials. The collection is housed in a museum at Bury St Edmunds, sadly it is currently closed to the public. Card covers, covers now a little worn. (Ref: K1780 - BX4)

Price: £1.00

Bentley (W.J.): The Plain Man's Guide to Antique Clocks
O/P. 96 pages, illus., 1963. An introductory book on the subject. A good copy with worn dust jacket. (Ref: K864 - H3)

Price: £1.00

Bergmann (S.): Comtoise-Uhren

Bergmann (S.): Comtoise-Uhren
NEW. 480 pages, 430 colour illustrations, 2005. An excellent new book, superbly illustrated, about Comtoise clocks (also known as Morbier and Morez clocks) which were produced in the Franche Comté region of France for about 230 years. The book concentrates on the movements and dials, not the cases, and should enable enthusiasts to date their clocks to within a few years. This is the first new book on the Comtoise for many years and even if you do not read German, it's worth having for the illustrations alone. With dust jacket. [German language] (Ref: N989)

Price: £60.00

Berman (G.): An Essay on Church Clocks
S/H. 58 pages, illus., 1974. An account of the workings of early public clocks with specific reference to the 3-train clock at the Santa Cruz Hospital, Barcelona. A very good copy, card covers. (Ref: K33 - BX13)

Price: £1.00

Berner (G.-A.):  Dictionnaire Professionnel Illustré de L'Horlogerie

Berner (G.-A.): Dictionnaire Professionnel Illustré de L'Horlogerie
O/P. 912 pages, illustrated, 1961. An illustrated dictionary of over 4000 horological terms, each item is described in French, German, English and Spanish, with indices for each language. A very good copy of a very useful book, essential when trying to understand clock and watch books written in another language. (Ref: K1939 - T2)

Price: £75.00

Berner (G.A.): L'Horloger-Electricien
O/P. 204 pages + adverts, 77 figs., 2nd edition, 1926. A Swiss treatise on electrical horology, including a list of relevant Swiss patents from 1889 to 1924. A good copy, now nicely bound in blue buckram with original card covers bound in. [French language] (Ref: K4737 - M2)

Price: £10.00

Bertele (H. von): Globes and Spheres
O/P. 64 pages, 47 illus., 1961. An interesting work on Renaissance clockwork-driven globes and spheres. Very good copy, card covers. [English language text, picture captions in English, French & German] (Ref: K4002 - M2)

Price: £15.00

Bertele (H.): Konrad Kellenbergers Uhrensammlung im Winterthurer Rathaus
O/P. Pages 71 - 103, 12 plates, 1971. This is an offprint from the Winterthur Yearbook. The Kellenberger clock collection is on view in the Winterthur City Hall, Switzerland. Very good copy, paper covers. [German language] (Ref: K2623 - BX5)

Price: £5.00

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