Scientific Instruments

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Turner (G.L'E.): Van Marum's Scientific Instruments in Teyler's Museum - Descriptive Catalogue
O/P. Volume 1: Mechanics/Mechanical Models 56 pages, 80 items described and illustrated.
Volume 2: Magnetism/Electricity 6 pages, 72 items described and illustrated.
Volume 3: Astronomical Models/Optics 44 pages, 55 items described and illustrated.
Volume 4: Hydrostatics/Hydraulics/Pneumatics 40 pages, 85 items described and illustrated.
Volume 5: Chemical Apparatus/Heat/Miscellaneous 40 pages, 58 items described and illustrated.
An offprint, published in about 1973, from a much larger work (the Life and Work of Martinus Van Marum). This is an important reference as many of the 350 instruments in the collection have been dated by reference to inventories and other Teyler Museum records. A complete set of these catalogues, all in good condition, card covers. (Ref: K4595 - V1)

Price: £65.00

Wunderlich (H.): Kursächsische Feldmeßkunst, artilleristische Richtverfahren und Ballistik im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert
O/P. 218 pages, 73 illus., 1977. Contributions to the history of practical mathematics, physics, artillery and ballistics in the Renaissance period on the basis of instruments, maps, manuals and pamphlets in the Mathematical-Physical Salon, Dresden. A very good copy with poor dust jacket. [German language] (Ref: K4687 - G2)

Price: £10.00

Zinner (E.): Deutsche und Niederländische Astronomische Instrumente des 11 .- 18. Jahrhunderts

Zinner (E.): Deutsche und Niederländische Astronomische Instrumente des 11 .- 18. Jahrhunderts
O/P. 689 pages, 13 figures, 80 plates, 2nd edition, reprinted 1972. German and Dutch scientific instruments from the 11th to the 18th century including astrolabes, sundials, clocks and mechanical globes. The second half of the book is devoted to biographical details of the instrument makers. A very good copy (bookplate on ffep) with good dust jacket (now discoloured). [German language]

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(Ref: K2026 - Z3)

Price: £135.00

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